English (United States)
3,757 – Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, delivered in the wee hours of the morning after the vigil Mass, delivered on January 1, 2013, transmitted in 1/1/2013
Dear children, I am the Queen of Peace and I came from Heaven to bring you peace. Be filled with courage and in every way be like Jesus. Give me your hands. I will walk at your side. Bend your knees in prayer. Pray for the Church. The cross will be heavy for men and women of faith. The smoke of the enemy will spread out, and great will be the spiritual confusion in the house of God. Stay with the truth. Those who remain in the truth will never experience defeat. Do not be afraid. After the cross, victory will come. In joy or in pain, stay with Jesus. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here one more time. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,758 – Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, delivered on January 1, 2013, transmitted in 1/1/2013
Dear children, put your trust in Jesus. Humanity is moving toward an abyss of destruction and the time has come for your return. Do not stand about with your arms crossed. I want to help you. Be docile to my appeals. In your heart, faith; in your hands, the Holy Scripture and the rosary. That is how you can move forward with the certainty of victory. I want to see you happy now here on Earth and later with me in Heaven. Difficult days are coming. The city of Sete Colinas (Seven Hills) will scream for help. That which I have foretold will come to pass. I suffer because of what is coming for you. Pray, pray, pray. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here one more time. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,759 – Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, delivered on January 5, 2013, transmitted in 1/5/2013
Dear children, I invite you to holiness and to show by your example and your words that you are truly Christ's. Do not live in sin. You belong only to the Lord and He is the only One you should follow and serve. I am your Mother and I came from Heaven to lead you to Heaven. Humanity is ill and must be cured. Repent and receive the Sacrament of Confession. Do not permit evil to take charge of your lives. You belong to Jesus. Men walk about as blind people leading other blind people, but my Jesus is the Way that will lead you to victory. Open your hearts and with humility accept His will for your lives. Difficult days will come for humanity. Augusta will weep at the death of her children. I suffer because of what is coming for you. Pray. Only through the power of prayer can you bear the weight of the trials that are coming. Go forward. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here one more time. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,760 – Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, delivered on January 8, 2013, transmitted in 1/8/2013
Dear children, be filled with the Love of God and hope in Him with complete trust. Live turned toward the Paradise for which alone you were created. You belong to the Lord. Separate yourselves from everything which separates you from the Lord. Pray. Humanity needs peace, and only through the power of prayer can you achieve it. I am your sorrowful Mother and I suffer because of what is coming for you. Chieti will drink of the bitter chalice of suffering and the pain will be great for my poor children. I want to help you. Listen to me. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here one more time. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,761 – Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, delivered on January 11, 2013, transmitted in 1/11/2013
Dear children, strengthen yourselves with prayer, by listening to the Word of my Son Jesus, and through the Eucharist. You live in a time of pain and the moment has come for you to be converted. Now is the opportune time for your return to the One who is your Way, Truth and Life. I am your Mother, and I want to lead you on the path of good and of holiness. Do not stand about with your arms crossed. Listen to me. Humanity will live the anguish of the condemned and my poor children will carry a heavy cross. Chincha will scream for help and the pain will be great for my poor children. Do not stand about with your arms crossed. Your victory is in the Lord. Be docile. Love the truth and defend it. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here one more time. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,762 – Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, delivered on January 12, 2013, transmitted in 1/12/2013
Dear children, witness by your example and your words that you belong to the Lord. Do not stand about with your arms crossed. God is in a hurry. What you have to do, do not put off until tomorrow. You live in a time worse than the time of the Biblical flood, and my poor children walk about as blind people leading other blind people. Humanity has become unfaithful to God, and each day the number is growing of those who are being eternally lost. I am your Sorrowful Mother. You know well how much a Mother loves her children. I came from Heaven to show you the way. Listen to me. I do not want to obligate you, but what I say must be taken seriously. Bend your knees in prayer, for only thus can you live by my appeals. I want to tell you that now is the time of grace. Open your hearts. Difficult days are coming for the Church. The devil will cause great confusion upon the Earth and great will be the pain of my faithful ones. I do not come from Heaven as a joke. Take my appeals to the world, and you will be generously rewarded. Courage. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here one more time. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,763 – Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, at Maragogipe/BA, Batatan Community, transmitted in 1/13/2013
Dear children, your future depends upon what you sow today. Take care of your spiritual life, and your reward will be Paradise. Do not live in sin. You belong to the Lord. You are in the world, but you are not of the world. Flee from everything which paralyzes within you the love of God. You who are listening to me, do not be discouraged. Difficult days will come, but I will be with you. Have courage, faith and hope. If you should fall, call upon Jesus. He is your hope. Only in Him is your Salvation. Return to Him who sees what is hidden and knows each of you by name. When everything seems lost, the great victory of God will come. Bend your knees in prayer. Only through the power prayer can you bear the weight of the trials which are coming. The smoke of the enemy will bring great suffering to the Church of my Jesus. The Church will be persecuted, but in the end the victory will belong to Jesus. Go forward without fear. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here one more time. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,764 – Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, delivered in Maceio/AL, delivered on January 15, 2013, transmitted in 1/15/2013
Dear children, go forward without fear. Give the best of yourselves to the mission which the Lord has entrusted to you. Witness everywhere that you are solely Christ's. You are important to the Lord. Open your hearts and accept with joy the Gospel of my Jesus. You are in the world, but you are the Lord's. Live separated from the things of the world and turn yourselves toward the things of Heaven. Do not lose hope. Whoever trusts in the Lord will never experience the weight of defeat. I am your Mother and I love you. Bend your knees in prayer, for only thus can you contribute to the definitive triumph of my Immaculate Heart. You are going toward a future of great trials, but put your trust in God. After the cross, victory will come. Do not hold back. I will plead with my Jesus for you. You will yet see horrors upon the Earth. Men and women of faith will be persecuted, but I will walk with you. Give me your hands and I will lead you by a secure path. Be joyful, for you have a special place in my Immaculate Heart. What you have to do, do not put off until tomorrow. God is in a hurry. Return to Him who is your All and who knows each of you by name. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here one more time. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,765 – Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, delivered on January 19, 2013, transmitted in 1/19/2013
Dear children, help me. I need you. Open your hearts to my call and follow me on the path of holiness. I am at your side even though you do not see me. Do not lose hope. Your victory is on the way. Always call upon Jesus. In Him is your salvation. Do not live separated from His grace. What you have to do, do not put off until tomorrow. I came from Heaven to take you to Heaven. Bend your knees in prayer. I know your needs and I will plead with my Jesus for you. Courage. Nothing is lost. You are going toward a future of great difficulties. Listen to me. Your victory is in the hands of the Lord. He will transform the Earth. Men shall see the mighty hand of the Lord in action. Peace will reign and everyone will live in joy. Remain with Jesus. You are in the world, but you are not of the world. Go forward without fear. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here one more time. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,766 – Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, delivered on January 22, 2013, transmitted in 1/22/2013
Dear children, I am your Sorrowful Mother and I suffer because of your sufferings. Return to Jesus. Humanity is moving toward destruction which men have prepared with their own hands. Difficult days are coming for Brea, Cusco and Campos. I suffer because of what is coming for you. Stay on the road of holiness which I have shown you. The way to your full joy is in Jesus. Be alert. Do not permit the Devil to fool you. You belong to the Lord, and He is the only One you should follow and serve. Go forward without fear. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here one more time. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,766 – Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, delivered on January 22, 2013, transmitted in 1/22/2013
Dear children, I am your Sorrowful Mother and I suffer because of your sufferings. Return to Jesus. Humanity is moving toward destruction which men have prepared with their own hands. Difficult days are coming for Brea, Cusco and Campos. I suffer because of what is coming for you. Stay on the road of holiness which I have shown you. The way to your full joy is in Jesus. Be alert. Do not permit the Devil to fool you. You belong to the Lord, and He is the only One you should follow and serve. Go forward without fear. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here one more time. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,767 – Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, delivered on January 25, 2013, transmitted in 1/25/2013
Dear children, praise the Lord and hope in Him with complete trust. Great is the love of the Lord for each one of you. He knows your weaknesses and knows what you need. Open your hearts and accept His will for your lives. Do not stand about with your arms crossed. God needs you. Do not hold back. I am your Mother and I came from Heaven to lead you along the path of love. Love always, for only through love can humanity ever be healed. In the love of the Lord is the solution to all your problems. Love always wins, bears every weight, forgives and brings peace. Courage. I will plead with my Jesus for you. After all the tribulations, men will understand and embrace Love. After the cross, victory will come through the merciful love of the Lord. Go forward. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here one more time. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,768 – Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, delivered on January 26, 2013, transmitted in 1/26/2013
Dear children, I came from Heaven to lead you to my Son Jesus. He is the Door which will take you to salvation. Do not live separated from Him. My Son Jesus is your Way, Truth and Life. Do not stand about with your arms crossed. Now is the opportune time for your return to the One who sees what is hidden and knows you by name. You live in a time of great tribulation, but you still have ahead of you long years of hard trials. Bend your knees in prayer. Your victory is in the Lord. Convert and return to Him. What you have to do, do not put off until tomorrow. I am your Mother, and I suffer because of your sufferings. The cross will be heavy for my poor children. Those who are in North Argentina will scream for help. Do not hold back. Have courage, faith and hope. I will plead with my Jesus for you. Go forward without fear. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here one more time. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you
3,769 – Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, delivered on January 29, 2013, transmitted in 1/29/2013
Dear children, I am your sorrowful mother. You are going toward a future of great trials. Bend your knees in prayer. Tell everyone that God is in a hurry and that this is a time of grace. Do not stand around with your arms crossed. Seek Jesus. Be advised that no conquest without God will come to a good end. In everything, God is in first place. Destruction will bring a future of pain. Atacama: that is the place. I love you and I want to lead you to my Son Jesus. Open your hearts and accept God’s will for your lives. Go forward. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here one more time. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,770 – Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, delivered on February 1, 2013, transmitted in 2/1/2013
Dear children, now is the time of a great spiritual battle. Bend your knees in prayer. I am your Mother and I came from Heaven to call you to conversion. Be docile. Do now stand about with your arms crossed. Humanity has separated itself from the Creator and is going toward an abyss of destruction which men have prepared with their own hands. Mardin and Mersin will live the anguish of one condemned. I suffer because of what is coming for you. I do not want to obligate you, but listen to me. Have courage. Do not hold back. I will plead with my Jesus for you. Go forward. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here one more time. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3.769 – Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, delivered on January 29, 2013
Dear children, I am your sorrowful mother. You are going toward a future of great trials. Bend your knees in prayer. Tell everyone that God is in a hurry and that this is a time of grace. Do not stand around with your arms crossed. Seek Jesus. Be advised that no conquest without God will come to a good end. In everything, God is in first place. Destruction will bring a future of pain. Atacama: that is the place. I love you and I want to lead you to my Son Jesus. Open your hearts and accept God’s will for your lives. Go forward. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here one more time. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you
3,771 – Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, delivered on February 2, 2013, transmitted in 2/2/2013
Dear children, I am your Mother. I love you immensely and I want to see you happy now here on Earth and later with me in Heaven. You are important for the achievement of my plans. Give me your hands and I will lead you to the safe port of faith. I want to take you to holiness, but I need your sincere and courageous yes. Thank you for being here. Courage. Do not be discouraged. I will plead with my Jesus for you. You are my select ones. Help me. Tell everyone that this is the opportune time for a great return to the God of Salvation and Peace. This is the time of the battle. With your rosary in your hands, fight against the devil. Seek strength in the words of my Son Jesus and in the Eucharist. Those who remain faithful to the end will experience a great victory. I suffer because of what is coming for you. Nuuk and Valparaiso will experience a heavy cross. Pray, pray, pray. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here one more time. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with .you.
3,772 – Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, delivered in Sao Domingos/SE, delivered on February 3, 2013, transmitted in 2/2/2013
Dear children, I came from Heaven to tell you that God is in a hurry and there is no more time to waste. Hurry up with your conversion. Do not live separated from the grace of God. You are in the world, but you are not of the world. My Jesus needs you. Do not stand about with your arms crossed. Give the best of yourselves to the mission which the Lord has entrusted to you. What you have to do, do not put off until tomorrow. Have trust, faith, and hope. You are going toward a future of sorrows, but hope in the Lord with joy. After all the tribulation, there will come a time of peace. Humanity has separated itself from the Creator and my poor children walk about as blind people leading other blind people. Seek the Lord. Walk in the truth. Pray. Only through the power of prayer will you be able to bear the weight of the trials that are coming. Fionia will scream for help and my poor children will carry a heavy cross. I suffer because of what is coming for you. Listen to me. I do not want to obligate you, but what I say must be taken seriously. Go forward without fear. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here one more time. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,773 – Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, delivered on February 5, 2013, transmitted in 2/5/2013
Dear children, be filled with hope. Tomorrow will be better for all of you. God knows each one of His children and wants to save them all. Men walk in the shadows of self-destruction, but there is still a chance. Return to the One who is your one true Savior. Humanity will reap what it is sowing today. Be careful. You belong to the Lord. Do not separate yourselves from the truth. Love always, for love is stronger than death and more powerful than sin. Bend your knees in prayer. Those who are in Lagoa Vermelha will drink of the bitter chalice of suffering. I am your Sorrowful Mother and I suffer because of your sufferings. Pray. In prayer you will find the strength for your journey. Go forward with courage. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here one more time. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,774 – Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace delivered on February 9, 2013, transmitted in 2/9/2013
Dear children, you are the people elected by the Lord and He is calling you. Do not stand about with your arms crossed. When you are separated, you become a target of the enemy. I am your Mother and I came from Heaven to show you the way of Salvation. Pray. Try to live in the grace of God. Humanity has become spiritually blind and my poor children do not know where to go. Now is the time of grace. Listen to Jesus. He is your Way, Truth and Life. Seek Him always. Accept His Gospel and you will be saved. Flee from sin and in everything imitate my Son Jesus. Your liberation is coming soon. When everything seems lost, the Lord will come to you and peace will reign upon the Earth. That which the Lord has prepared for His elect is something human eyes have never seen. Courage. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here one more time. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,775 – Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, delivered on February 12, 2013, transmitted in 2/12/2013
Dear children, do not permit the flame of faith to be extinguished within you. My Jesus is with you. Courage. You still have ahead of you long years of difficult trials. That which I announced in the past will come to pass. The Church will be persecuted, judged, and condemned. Men and women of faith will carry a heavy cross, but after all the pain, the Lord will dry your tears. Listen to what I tell you. Be alert. I suffer because of what is coming for you. Bend your knees in prayer. Seek strength in the words of My Son Jesus and in the Eucharist. Pray and do penance. God will act, and His victory will also be the victory of all those who remain faithful until the end. Go forward. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here one more time. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,776 – Message of Our Lady, Queen of Peace, delivered on February 13, 2013, transmitted in 2/13/2013
Dear children, stay with Jesus. Do not be afraid. God is in control of everything. Be men and women of faith. Courageously accept the Gospel of my Jesus and do not hold back. You belong to the Lord and no evil will touch you if you remain faithful. I am your Mother and I know your needs. With your examples and your words show everyone that you are in the world but not of the world. The time which I revealed to you in the past has now arrived. Courage. Now the first steps in the direction of Calvary have been taken, but the way of the cross is still long. Have trust, faith and hope. After all the tribulation, your victory will come. Do not hold back. Love the truth and defend it. Bend your knees in prayer. Return to the One who is your All and who knows you by name. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here one more time. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,777 – Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, delivered on February 16, 201, transmitted in 2/16/2013
Dear children, follow Jesus. The road to holiness is full of obstacles, but you are not alone. Trust in Jesus. Your victory is in Him. Do not permit the flame of faith to be extinguished within you. Be men and women of courage. Be filled with hope. My Jesus will not abandon you. In these days, intensify your prayers for the Church. The Church will walk in the midst of great tribulation. Do not be afraid. The Church will still have Peter. That which I have announced in the past will come to pass. Go forward along the path I have shown you. Do not hold back. I know your necessities and I will plead with my Jesus for you. I am your mother and I love you. Listen to me and I will lead you by the path of goodness. What you have to do, do not put off until tomorrow. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here one more time. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,779 – Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, delivered in Brasilia/DF, delivered on February 19, 2013, transmitted in 2/19/2013
Dear children, courage. Do not hold back. Nothing is lost. Put your trust in Jesus. He is in control of everything. The enemies will sow confusion, but the victory will belong to Jesus. Be encouraged and not discouraged. The plans of God will never be destroyed by men. Those chosen by God know the way of Calvary is painful, but they also know that after the pain comes the victory. I ask you to continue to pray. Only through the power of prayer can everything end well. I am your sorrowful Mother and I suffer because of what is coming for you. Do not lose hope. Tomorrow will be better for men and women of faith. Jesus will not abandon His Church. Pay attention to what I tell you. I will plead with my Jesus for you. Open your hearts and accept docilely my appeals. I do not want to obligate you, but what I say must be taken seriously. Go forward without fear. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,780 – Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, delivered on February 23, 2013, transmitted in 2/23/2013
Dear children, do not be afraid. I am your Mother and I came from Heaven to lead you to the truth. Open your hearts and heed me. Now the times which I predicted have arrived. You are going toward a future of great trials. Now is a time of great spiritual confusion. Stay firm in your faith. My Jesus is with you. Trust in Him and tomorrow will be better. The true men and women of faith will carry a heavy cross and will live the anguish of one condemned. I suffer because of your sufferings. Do not separate yourselves from the truth. Bend your knees in prayer. Courage. I know each one of you by name and I will plead with my Jesus for you. When you feel the weight of your difficulties, call upon Jesus. He will come and carry you in His arms. Go forward without fear. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,781 – Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, delivered on February 26, 2013, transmitted in 2/26/2013
Dear children, put your faith and hope in the Lord. He is at your side and He knows what you need. The future will be marked by many events that will be beyond your capacity to understand, but Jesus will be in control of everything. Your eyes will not see it, but Jesus is acting for victory for the just. The excavations will bring great confusion to men. Pray. Only through the power of prayer can you comprehend the will of God for your lives. Do not stand about with your arms crossed. I am your Mother and I came from Heaven to lead you to the truth. Listen to me and be docile. I do not want to force you, but what I say must be taken seriously. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,782 – Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace delivered on February 28, 2013, transmitted in 2/28/2013
Dear children, bend your knees in prayer. You are going toward a future of great spiritual tribulation. The Boat of Peter will face great tempests and the throne will tremble. Peter will walk among thorns. The direction of the Church will change and many of the faithful will wash their hands of it. I am your Sorrowful Mother and I suffer because of what is coming for you. Listen to me. Pray. War will come where there should be peace. That which I have announced to you in the past will come to pass. Love the truth and accept the Gospel of my Jesus. When everything seems lost, men and women of faith will witness the powerful action of the Lord. The just shall not be defeated. Courage. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,783 – Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace delivered on March 2, 2013, transmitted in 3/2/2013
Dear children, return to Jesus. He is your All and only in Him is your Salvation. Trust in Him who sees what is hidden and knows each one of you by name. When you feel the weight of the cross, call upon Jesus. Face your needs with courage and you will be victorious. Difficult days are coming for humanity. Now is a time of great and painful tribulations. Pray. Do not stop praying. The great ship (the Church) will face tempests never seen before. She will be encircled by enemies and many will leave her. The net will be cast, but it will break, letting many important fish escape. Jesus is your Way, Truth and Life. Believe firmly in His power and everything will end well. Do not hold back. Go forward without fear. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,784 – Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, at Village of Jacu/Nordestina/BA, transmitted in 3/3/2013
Dear children, be faithful to my Son Jesus. Your obedience will generate holiness for your lives. Humanity lives separated from the Creator, and my poor children walk about spiritually blind. I am your Sorrowful Mother, and I suffer because of what is coming for you. Bend your knees in prayer. In these days, intensify your prayers for the Church. A future of tears is coming for men and women of faith. Cling to the truth. The projects of God will never be confounded. Accept my appeals and seek strength in the words of my Jesus and in the Eucharist. The victory will belong to the Lord. Courage. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here one more time. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,785 – Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, at Jarparatuba/SE (São Pedro Farm), transmitted in 3/5/2013
Dear children, God is in control of everything. Trust in Him and everything will end well for you. I came from Heaven to take you to Heaven. Open your hearts and be docile. Tell everyone that God is in a hurry. You are going toward a future of pain and trials, but do not be discouraged. My Jesus is walking at your side. Seek strength in prayer and in hearing the words of my Jesus. In your heart, love of the truth; in your hands, the rosary and the Sacred Scripture. The way of Calvary will bring suffering, but the resurrection will bring joy. The Barque of St. Peter is going to flounder, and there is going to be great confusion. Peter is the secret: there is your answer. Courage. Do not hold back. I love you and I will pray to my Jesus for you. Go forward with joy. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here one more time. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,786 – Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, delivered on March 9, 2013, transmitted in 3/9/2013
Dear children, I am your Sorrowful Mother and I suffer because of what is coming for you. You are going toward a future of great spiritual confusion. Trust in Jesus. He is your All and only in Him is your victory. Do not be afraid. Listen to what I say to you. My Jesus is in control of everything. The agreement will cause great confusion. Where there is no fidelity, there is no truth. Do not permit anything to separate you from the truth. Whatever happens remain on the path I have shown you over the years. Courage. I am at your side even though you do not see me. Bend your knees in prayer on behalf of the Church. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,787 – Message of Our Lady, delivered in Rio de Janeiro, delivered in the afternoon on March 11, 2013, transmitted in 3/11/2013
Dear children, I love you as you are. I ask you to keep alight the flame of your faith and to be like Jesus in every way. You are not alone. Walk with the certainty that Jesus is very near to you. Do not hold back. Give the best of yourself to the mission which the Lord has entrusted to you. There is no victory without the cross. The Church will carry a heavy cross. It will be persecuted and humiliated. It will face a painful storm, but it will not sink. Be alert. You still have long years of hard trials ahead. Courage. I will plead with my Jesus for you. Rejoice, for your names are already written in Heaven. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,788 – Message of Our Lady, delivered in Rio de Janeiro, delivered at night on March 11, 2013, transmitted in 3/11/2013
Dear children, trust in Jesus. He will calm the storm which will affect the great barque. There will be conflicts, but in the end the barque will arrive at a safe port. The victory will belong to Jesus. You who are listening to me, do not be discouraged. I came from Heaven to help you. Do not be afraid. I am your Mother and I know what is coming for you. Bend your knees in prayer. Only through the power of prayer can you reach victory. Love the truth and defend it. Accept the Gospel and witness everywhere to your faith. You are in the world, but you are not of the world. Open your hearts and follow me. I want to lead you to the One who is your Way, Truth and Life. I know your needs, and I will plead with my Jesus for you. Go forward without fear. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,789 – Message of Our Lady, delivered in Juiz de For a/MG, delivered on March 12, 2013, transmitted in 3/12/2013
Dear children, believe firmly in the power of the Lord and you will see that everything will end well. Do not lose hope. My Jesus needs your sincere and courageous yes. Do not live separated from His grace. Return to Him quickly. What you have to do, do not put off until tomorrow. You live in a time of great spiritual confusion. Seek strength in prayer and in the Eucharist. Open your hearts and accept the Gospel of my Jesus. In everything, put God in first place. Dangerous birds will bring the seed of evil, but in the vineyard of the Lord only the seed of truth will grow. The fire in the Palace is the fruit of dishonesty. I am your Sorrowful Mother and I suffer because of what is coming for you. Pay attention to what I tell you. Bend your knees in prayer. When everything seems lost, the victory of God will come for men and women of faith. Courage. I am with you. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,790 – Message of Our Lady, transmitted in 3/16/2013
Dear children, Peter will steer his barque amidst great tempests. Pray ye. The successor of Peter is going to need your prayers. He will experience the Calvary. He will be loved and hated because of his positions. Now is the time of suffering. The poison is in the tree, not in the fruit. The Church of My Jesus is going towards a future of great trials, but as I have already told you, Jesus is in control of everything. Peter in the land of Peter. What I am telling you, ye may not comprehend now, but calm ye your hearts, for Jesus walks with you. The king will suffer because of his subjects. Do not be ye afraid. I am your Mother and I will plead with My Jesus for you. The road will be short for the king, similar to the crossing of the famous plaza. Bend ye your knees in prayer. In the end, the victory will belong to the Lord. Love ye the truth and remain ye with the Church. The lessons of the past should not be forgotten. Go ye forward without fear. This is the message that I transmit to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting me to reunite you here once more. I bless you, in the name of the Father, of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay ye in peace.
3,791 – Message of Our Lady, delivered at Foz do Iguacu/PR, delivered on March 17, 2013, transmitted in 3/17/2013
Dear children, be filled with trust, faith and hope. Even though you are facing difficulties, do not be discouraged, do not hold back. Whoever is with Jesus will never experience the weight of defeat. Trust completely in the power of the Lord. Do not live separated from His grace. He is calling you. Say yes with courage and joy. Humanity is moving toward the abyss of destruction which men have prepared with their own hands. Pray. Only through the power of prayer can you withstand the weight of the trials that are on the way. I am your Mother and I am at your side. I ask you to intensify your prayers on behalf of the Church. There will be great confusion, but the victory will belong to Jesus. Do not be afraid. The victory will occur. The barque of St. Peter will be surrounded by enemies and Peter will suffer much. Pray, pray, pray. I am your Mother and I will plead with my Jesus for you. Courage. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,792 – Message of Our Lady, delivered in Paranoa/DF, delivered on March 18, 2013, transmitted in 3/18/2013
Dear children, give your best to the mission which the Lord has entrusted to you. By your example and your words, show everyone that you belong to the Lord. You are in the world, but you are not of the world. Remain steadfast upon the way I have shown you. When you happen to fall, call upon Jesus. In Him is your strength and only through Him will you achieve victory. Do not live in sin. Return to the Lord who loves you and awaits you with the immense love of a Father. I am your Mother and I came from Heaven to take you to Heaven. Open your hearts and I will lead you to my Son Jesus. You are going toward a future of painful trials. This is a time of great spiritual confusion. Seek strength in the words of my Jesus and in the Eucharist. Pray for the Church. Its enemies will act with great fury. Death will be present in the house of God. The enemies will arrive by the Via Apia. I suffer because of what is coming for you. Pray. Pay attention to what I tell you. Be alert. What you have to do, do not put off until tomorrow. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,793 – Message of Our Lady, delivered in Aguas Lindas de Goias/GO, delivered on March 19, 2013, transmitted in 3/19/2013
Dear children, a great event will occur in the Church: thousands left, thousands will return. Intensify your prayers for the Church. I am your Mother and I want to help you. Do not stand about with your arms crossed. Make an effort and return to my Jesus. He awaits you with open arms. Be courageous and do not hold back. Accept the Gospel and be reconciled with God. Do not live in sin. This is the opportune time for your return to the Lord. Open your hearts and listen to the voice of God. You live in a time of great tribulation. Bend your knees in prayer and everything will end well for you. Courage. My Jesus is at your side. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,794 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on March 23, 2013, transmitted in 3/23/2013
Dear children, the future will be marked by a serious conflict between the true Church and the false one. The Church of my Jesus will carry a heavy cross, suffering as it has never experienced before. Bend your knees in prayer. After all the tribulation, there will come to the men and women of faith the victory of God. Do not be discouraged. Everything which I have announced to you in the past will come to pass. Be alert. I am your Mother and I love you. I know your needs and I will plead with my Jesus for you. Do not lose hope. Whatever happens, do not let the flame of faith be extinguished within you. Courage. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,795 – Message of Our Lady, delivered in Maceio/AL, delivered on March 24, 2013, transmitted in 3/24/2013
Dear children, I am your Mother and I came from Heaven to lead you to the One who is your Way, Truth and Life. Be courageous and witness with your very life that you belong to the Lord. Seek the Lord who loves you and awaits you with open arms. Strengthen yourselves with His Word and with the Eucharist. Pray without ceasing before the cross. You live in a time of great spiritual confusion. You are going toward a sorrowful future. A great tempest will threaten the great barque but it will follow the course to a safe port. Treasures will be lost, but they will be found and returned. I suffer because of what is coming for men and women of faith. Pray. Only through prayer can you experience the victory of God. Do not hold back. When everything seems lost, there will come to you the joy of victory with the definitive triumph of my Immaculate Hear. Go forward without fear. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,796 – Message of Our Lady, Queen of Peace, transmitted in 3/26/2013
Dear children, I am your Mother. I want to tell you that you are important to the Lord and the things of the world are not for you. Have ye courage, faith, and hope. Believe ye in the Power of God, and everything will end well for you. Do not live ye separated from prayer. When ye are separated from prayer, you become a target for the devil. Seek ye strength in the Words of My Son Jesus and in the Eucharist. Witness ye everywhere that ye belong to My Son Jesus. Humanity is going toward a sorrowful future. Bend ye your knees in prayer. Listen ye to Me. I do not want to obligate you, but what I say must be taken seriously. A son will fall inside the House of God and who loves him will not be able to help him. I suffer for what comes to you. Do not retreat. I know your needs and I will plead with My Jesus for you. Courage. This is the message that I transmit to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting me to reunite you here once more. I bless you, in the name of the Father, of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay ye in peace.
3,797 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on March 29, 2013, transmitted in 3/29/2013
Dear children, give yourselves to Jesus. He is your Only and True Savior. His loving sacrifice on the cross opened Heaven for you. It is done: there is no other way for men. Only through my Son Jesus can you get to Heaven. Make every effort. Do not stand about with your arms crossed. Live in grace and imitate my Son Jesus in every way. Calvary will be sorrowful for men and women of faith. The bread of the enemies is only bread. Body, Soul and Divinity you will find only in the Eucharist, the presence of my Jesus for His true Church. Be alert. Pray, pray,. Pray. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,798 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on March 30, 2013, transmitted in 3/30/2013
Dear children, courage. Do not be discouraged. The victory will always be the Lord’s. Trust in Him who sees what is hidden and knows each one of you by name. I ask you to maintain alight the flame of your faith. Seek strength in the Eucharist and in the words of my Son Jesus. When you are feeling weak, call upon Jesus. He is your All and only in Him is your liberation and your salvation. I am your Sorrowful Mother. I suffer because of what is coming for you. You are going toward a future of great trials. Pray. I want to help you, but you must open your hearts. I know you have free will, but above and beyond everything else, do the will of the Lord Go forward along the path I have shown you. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,799 – Message of Our Lady, delivered in Pinhao/SE, delivered on March 31, 2013, transmitted in 3/31/2013
Dear children, do not live separated from my Son Jesus. He is your Way; through Him you will be saved. He is the absolute Truth of the Father; in His words you will find salvation. He is Life. In Him you will have eternal joy. Live in this life following the example of the One who is your All. I do not want to obligate you, but this is the opportune moment for your conversion. Accept my appeals. Live by and witness to my messages. I am your Mother and I came from Heaven to tell you that you belong to the Lord. Return to Him quickly. What you have to do, do not put off until tomorrow. Difficult days are coming for humanity. Men have separated themselves from the Creator and humanity is going toward a great abyss. A war will occur. The soldiers will be wearing cassocks. I suffer because of what is coming for you. Bend your knees in prayer. Do not be discouraged. Believe in the Power of God. He is at your side. Trust in Him and you will be victorious. Go forward without fear. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,800 – Message of Our Lady, delivered at Nossa Senhora do Socorro/SE, delivered on April 2, 2013, transmitted in 4/2/2013
Dear children, my Jesus is with you even though you do not see Him. Trust in Him who sees what is hidden and knows you by name. You belong to the Lord. You are in the world, but you are not of the world. Open your hearts and in every way imitate my Son Jesus. Do not stand about with your arms crossed. Give the best of yourselves to the mission which the Lord has entrusted to you. Do not hold back. I need you. Pray. Only through prayer can you understand my appeals. I know your needs and I will plead with my Jesus for you. You are going toward a future of great spiritual confusion. Many who are now fervent in the faith will become indifferent. Decisions will be made and there will be great revolt. Difficult days are coming for the Church of my Jesus. When you feel the weight of the cross, seek strength in Jesus; His word will guide you. His presence in the Eucharist will strengthen you. Do not be afraid. When everything seems lost, the great victory of God will come to you. Go forward with courage and joy. I am your Mother and I love you. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,801 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on April 6, 2013, transmitted in 4/6/2013
Dear children, bend your knees in prayer. Be alert. Listen with attention to my appeals and witness everywhere that you are the Lord’s. Be faithful. Disobedience will cause confusion. The chosen will abandon the altars and walk the streets. They will be united against the truth. I suffer because of what is coming for you. Do not hold back. My Jesus is with you. Do not be discouraged. After all the tribulation the victory of God will come through the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart. Courage. Listen to Jesus and you will be saved. Go forward without fear. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here one more time. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,802 – Message of Our Lady, delivered in Aruna/GO, delivered on April 8, 2013, transmitted in 4/8/2013
Dear children, you belong to the Lord. Do not permit the devil to enslave you. In everything, do the will of the Lord. Do not permit the things of this world to separate you from the Creator. I am your Mother and I came from Heaven to help you. Do not stand about with your arms crossed. Now is the opportune time for your return. Return quickly. What you have to do, do not put off until tomorrow. I suffer because of what is coming for you. Bend your knees in prayer. Only praying can withstand the weight of the trials which are going to come. Love the truth. Stay with Jesus. The action of the devil will lead many men and women of faith to deny the truth. This is a time of great spiritual confusion. Do not hold back. Whoever walks with the Lord will never experience the weight of defeat. Courage. I will plead with my Jesus for you. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here one more time. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,803 – Message of Our Lady, delivered in Goiania/GO, delivered on April 9, 2013, transmitted in 4/9/2013
Dear children, courage. When you feel the weight of your trials, do not be discouraged. My Jesus is at your side. You are the Lord’s. When you are persecuted, let silence be your weapon of defense. There is no defeat for those devoted to me. Be filled with hope. Humanity is treading a path of rebellion against God. Pray. This is a time of great spiritual confusion. Seek Jesus. He loves you and awaits you with open arms. Love and defend the truth. The Church of my Jesus will encounter great victory where everything began. Do not hold back. I am your Mother and I love you. Bend your knees in prayer and listen to my appeals. God is in control of everything. At this moment, I am raining upon you an extraordinary shower of graces. Go forward with joy. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here one more time. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,804 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on April 13, 2013, transmitted in 4/13/2013
Dear children, I am your Sorrowful Mother. I came from Heaven to bless you and to tell you that you belong to the Lord. Do not be discouraged. My Jesus is at your side. Courage. There is no victory without the Cross. Bend your knees in prayer. The population of Europe will diminish alarmingly. Multitudes will seek help in many regions of the world. Rich and poor will walk in the same direction and eat of the same bread. Faith will be present in very few hearts, and the Church of my Jesus will suffer much. Pagan nations will accept the Gospel and Jesus will be loved. Great will be the tribulation, but in the end the victory of God will come with the definitive triumph of my Immaculate Heart. Go forward without fear. I am at your side, although you do not see me. Be meek and humble of heart and everything will end well for you. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here one more time. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,805 – Message of Our Lady, delivered in Sao Paulo, delivered on April 14, 2013, transmitted in 4/14/2013
Dear children, I love you as you are. I ask you to keep alight the flame of faith and in everything try to imitate my Son Jesus. You live in a time of great tribulation. Do not separate yourselves from prayer. I want to see you happy now here on Earth and later with me in Heaven. Do not forget: in everything, God in first place. You are important to the fulfillment of my plans. Open your hearts and listen to me. I came from Heaven to lead you to the One who is your Way, Truth and Life. I know your needs and I will plead with my Jesus for you. You are going toward a sorrowful future. I suffer because of what is coming for you. Pray, pray, pray. Treachery will touch the throne of Peter and the pain will be great for men and women of faith. That which I have announced in the past will come to pass. Do not hold back. God is in control of everything. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here one more time. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,806 – Message of Our Lady, delivered in Sao Paulo, delivered on April 15, 2013, transmitted in 4/15/2013
Dear children, do not be sad. My Jesus is with you. Trust completely in His power and be filled with confidence and hope. I am your Mother and I came from Heaven to bless you. Do not hold back. I know each one of you by name and I want to help you. Be docile to my call. My Lord will dry your tears. Courage. Humanity will drink from the bitter chalice of suffering, but God will not forsake you. The Earth will be transformed and everyone will live happy. The prowess of God will transform everything. Go forward without fear. After all the tribulation, joy will come. Pray. Do not separate yourselves from prayer. I will always be near to you. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here one more time. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,807 – Message of Our Lady, delivered in Sao Paulo / Nossa Senhora Achiropita, transmitted in 4/16/2013
Dear children, you are in the world, but you are not of the world. I ask you to live turned toward the Paradise for which alone you were created. Do not live in sin. My Jesus loves you and awaits you with open arms. Humanity has become spiritually blind and my poor children walk about as blind people leading other blind people. I came from Heaven to lead you to Jesus. Do not hold back. Accept the Gospel and in everything be like Jesus. The creature today is valued more than the Creator. Repent and return. Repentance is the first step to be taken on the road to conversion. Courage. You are not alone. Difficult days are coming for humanity. Bend your knees in prayer. I am your Sorrowful Mother and I suffer because of what is coming for you. Death will pass through Italia and my poor children will carry a heavy cross. Similar events will occur in Lima. Pray, pray, pray. Have courage. I will plead with my Jesus for you. Go forward without fear. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here one more time. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,808 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on April 20, 2013, transmitted in 4/20/2013
Dear children, do not feel alone. My Jesus is with you. Open your hearts and accept His message of salvation. Seek strength in the Eucharist, for that is the only way you will be victorious. You live in a time of great tribulations and the moment has come for your “yes” to the Lord. Be alert. You are going toward a future of great spiritual confusion. The day is coming when many truths will be cast aside. Men will embrace false ideologies and will walk about spiritually blind. The smoke of the devil will spread even within the Church itself. Pray. I am your Mother and I love you. I know each of you by name and I will plead with my Jesus for you. Courage. Whoever walks with the Lord will never experience the weight of defeat. Do not be worried about your problems. Trust in the Lord and everything will end well. Go forward. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,811 – Message of Our Lady, transmitted in 4/27/2013
Dear children, ye are going toward a sorrowful future. Men will become more and more enslaved to technology and the grace of the Lord will be present in fewer and fewer hearts. Accepting false ideologies, men will direct their feelings towards machines. I suffer because of what is coming for you. Bend ye your knees in prayer. I am your sorrowful Mother. I have come from Heaven to point out Heaven to you. Welcome ye Jesus with complete freedom. Jesus loves you. Do not separate ye yourselves from Him. I know each one of you by name, and I will plead with my Jesus for you. Go forward without fear. This is the message that I transmit to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting me to reunite you here once more. I bless you, in the name of the Father, of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay ye in peace.
3,812 – Message of Our Lady, delivered in Maracanau/CE, delivered on April 30, 2013, transmitted in 4/30/2013
Dear children, seek Jesus. He is your great friend, and He walks with you. You are not alone. Do not be discouraged. Do not be afraid. When you feel the weight of your difficulties, call upon Jesus. Do not live in sin. Repent. Be reconciled with God through the Sacrament of Confession. Confession frees you from sin and from the remorse brought on by sin. Take care of your spiritual life. I came from Heaven to sow the seed. I want your hearts to be like a fertile field. Cultivate all the graces of the Lord within yourself. You are in the world but you are the Lord’s. Humanity has become spiritually poverty-stricken, and my poor children walk about as spiritually blind people. I suffer for what is coming for you. Pray. Do not live separated from prayer. Your victory will come though the power of prayer. I am your Mother and I love you. Be docile to my call. You have free will, but I ask you to do the will of God in everything. The Church of my Jesus will drink of the bitter chalice of suffering. There will be great confusion. Church and science: this is the beginning of a great division. Pray, pray, pray. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,813 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on May 3, 2013, transmitted in 5/3/2013
Dear children, I invite you to live in the presence of the Lord, for He is always near to you. Sow love, for only thus can you gather its fruits. In love you will be capable of understanding the designs of God for your lives. Feed yourselves on the Word of God and joyfully accept my messages. Be attentive to what I say to you. You are going toward a future of great spiritual trials. The smoke of the devil will spread more and more through the house of God and very few of the consecrated will remain firm in their faith. I suffer because of what is coming for you. Do not be discouraged. Remain firm on the path I have shown you. God will not abandon men and women of faith. My devotees will be well protected. Courage. Pray, pray, pray. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,814 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on May 4, 2013, transmitted in 5/4/2013
Dear children, your help will come from the Lord. He is the Lord of Goodness, Strength for the weak, and love for the sinners. Open your hearts to Him. I am your Mother and I came from Heaven to offer you the grace of conversion. Do not stand about with your arms crossed. Do not put off until tomorrow what you have to do. When everything seems lost, light within yourselves the flame of hope and let yourselves be led by Jesus. With Jesus, victory is sure. I am your sorrowful Mother and I suffer because of what is coming for you. Be alert. The future will be marked by divisions and scandals in the Church of my Jesus. The just will be persecuted and shoved aside, but the Lord will come to help His own. Pray. Only through the power of prayer can you withstand the weight of the trials that are coming. Courage. I will walk with you. Do not be discouraged. I will plead with my Jesus for you. Go forward without fear. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,815 – Message of our Lady, delivered on May 7, 2013, transmitted in 5/7/2013
Dear children, tribulation and death will mark the future of the Church, but victory will come for the men and women of faith who survive a great persecution and major persecution. I suffer because of what is coming for you. God will permit all of this so that the Church will return to what it once was. When everything seems lost, a man of faith will appear. His charisma and holiness will attract the separated. That will be the time of the definitive Triumph of my Immaculate Heart. Courage. Do not separate yourselves from prayer. I will walk with you. Whatever happens, do not separate yourselves from the truth. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,816 – Message of our Lady, delivered on May 9, 2013, transmitted in 5/9/2013
Dear children, humanity will be purified through suffering. You still have ahead long years of difficult trials. You who are listening to me, do not be discouraged. There will be no defeat for the men and women of faith. Be alert so that you will not be fooled. The devil will do everything to separate you from the truth. Seek strength in prayer, in the Eucharist, and in listening to the words of my Jesus. Accept also my appeals, for I want to lead you to holiness. Do not stand about with your arms crossed. Go forward with courage. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,817 – Message of our Lady, delivered on May 11, 2013, transmitted in 5/11/2013
Dear children, I am your Mother and you well know how much a mother loves her children. Do not permit discouragement to keep you from accepting my appeals. I need you. I want to show my separated children the path that leads to my Son Jesus. I know that you are able to help me. Do not hold back. I ask you to keep alight the flame of faith. Because of my messages, you will be persecuted by men, but you can rest assured that you will always be loved by me and by my Son Jesus. At the definitive Triumph of my Immaculate Heart you will see the fruits of your labor on behalf of my plans. My victory will be your victory. Courage. When everything seems lost, the great victory of God will occur. In the end, the Church will be victorious. Go forward without fear. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,818 – Message of our Lady, Delivered on May 13, 2013, transmitted in 5/13/2013
Dear children, I am your Mother and I came from Heaven to lead you to my Son Jesus. You are living in the time of a great spiritual battle. The Eucharist, the Rosary, the Holy Scripture, and Confession are the weapons which I offer you for this great battle. Follow the path which I have shown you and you will be victorious. The devil will cause great spiritual damage to souls and a great number will lose the path to conversion. Be alert. I am your Mother and I suffer because of what is coming for you. If people would accept my appeals, humanity would be spiritually healed. Bend you knees in prayer. You will yet have great suffering. The way to Calvary is long for humanity. Those selected to defend the truth will retreat in fear. There will be a great crisis of faith. Turn about quickly. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,819 – Message of our Lady, delivered in Gama/DF, delivered on May 14, 2013, transmitted in 5/14/2013
Dear children, open your hearts to my Son Jesus. Let Him be present in your soul and in your heart. Fill yourselves with His love, for only thus can you love your neighbor. Your mission will be successful if you always have Jesus present in your lives. Do not separate yourselves from Him. Give the best of yourselves to the mission which the Lord has entrusted to you. Humanity has become spiritually poverty-stricken because men have separated themselves from the Creator. Return to Him quickly. You belong to the Lord. You are in the world, but you do not belong to the world. Do not stand about with your arms crossed. What you have to do, do not put off until tomorrow. Do not be discouraged. After all the tribulations, the Lord will dry your tears. There will be a time of great peace upon the Earth. That will be the time of the definitive Triumph of my Immaculate Heart. Courage. I will plead with my Jesus for you. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,820 – Message of our Lady, delivered in Valparaiso I/GO, delivered on May 15, 2013, transmitted in 5/15/2013
Dear children, be meek and humble of heart. My Jesus is with you, although you do not see Him. Trust in Him who sees what is hidden and knows you by name. I want to see you happy here on Earth and later with me in Heaven. Do not hold back. Assume your true role as Christians and in everything be like Jesus. Humanity is moving toward a great abyss and this is the moment for your return to the Lord. Turn about. Sincerely repent of your sins and separate yourself from everything that paralyzes within you the true love of God. I ask you to live with joy the Gospel of my Jesus. Let the word of God transform you. Be light to those who live in the darkness of sin. I need your sincere and courageous yes. Go forward without fear. Nothing is lost. Men will be surprised by the great deeds of the Lord. The day is coming when pagan nations will embrace the faith and the Lord will reign in many hearts. Do not lose hope. Tomorrow will be better for men and women of faith. I love you as you are. Listen to me. I want to lead you to my Son Jesus. Do not be afraid. I will always be with you. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you
3,821 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on May 18, 2013, transmitted in 5/18/2013
Dear children, open your hearts to the action of the Holy Spirit and you will be great in the faith. Let the sanctifying grace of God transform you. Do not live in sin. You belong to the Lord and the things of the world are not for you. Bend your knees in prayer. Humanity has become separated from God and my poor children walk about in spiritual blindness. Convert. My Lord awaits you with open arms. Be docile. I came from Heaven to help you, but I can not force you into anything. Go to your meeting with the Lord with true liberty as children of God. When everything seems lost, God will act and the Earth will be transformed. God will permit it, and men will have the grace of repentance. By a special grace of the Lord, men will see all their sins and will have the opportunity to make a decision for God. The individual liberty of each one will lead to their final destiny. I ask you to always do the will of the Lord. Be alert. Courage. I will plead with my Jesus for you. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,822 – Message of Our Lady, delivered May 21, 2013, transmitted in 5/21/2013
Dear children, be instruments of the Lord. Sow love, for only thus can you encounter the grace of the Lord. Be filled with love for the Lord and tell everyone that you belong only to Him. Now is the time for the conversion of men. Do not stand about with your arms crossed. Dark days are coming. Many will repent of a life lived without the grace of God, but for many it will be too late. The day is coming when despair will take possession of men. I am your Mother and I come from Heaven to tell you: Do not disdain the treasures of God. Embrace holiness and live separated from everything evil. You still have ahead of you long years of hard trials. Pray, pray, pray. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,823 – Message of Our Lady, delivered May 23, 2013, transmitted in 5/23/2013
Dear children, God is in control of everything. Trust in Him and do not be discouraged. I am your Mother and I came from Heaven to take you to Heaven. Listen to my appeals. I want to lead you to my Son Jesus. Be filled with love for the Lord. Love always, and in everything be like Jesus. Bend your knees in prayer. The Church will face great storms. Many of those chosen to defend the truth will deny it. The truly faithful will carry a heavy cross, but do not hold back. In the end the victory will belong to God and His elect. Courage. Tomorrow will be better for all men and women of faith. Go forward. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,824 – Message of Our Lady, delivered May 25, 2013, transmitted in 5/25/2013
Dear children, at the definitive triumph of my Immaculate Heart, those who are consecrated to me will be surprised by a powerful action of God. The companion always invisible to your eyes will become visible to you. Your angel will guide you and lead you and no evil will touch you. Be happy, because the Lord thinks of you and wants what is best for you. For you, He has prepared something that human eyes have never seen. Courage. I am your Mother and I came from Heaven to lead you to my Son Jesus. Do not hold back. Be docile to my call. Witness everywhere that you belong only to the Lord. You are in the world, but you are not of the world. With the true freedom of children of God, reply “yes” to the call of God. Do not be discouraged. I will always be with you. I will plead with my Jesus for you. Go forward with joy. Your names are already written in Heaven. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,825 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on May 28, 2013, transmitted in 5/28/2013
Dear children, God will transform humanity and there will be great abundance in many regions of the Earth. Discoveries in the desert will attract men. The desert will attract through its riches. Suffering will come, but the Lord will also permit much joy for His children. Bend your knees in prayer. I am your Mother and I came from Heaven to call you to conversion. Change your life and serve the Lord with joy. Your victory is in the Lord. Go forward without fear. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,826 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on May 30, 2013, transmitted in 5/30/2013
Dear children, seek strength in the Eucharist. My Jesus comes to you in the Eucharist with His Glorious Body to feed you and to make you great in the faith. He is present with His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. If you knew the spiritual greatness that emanates from the Eucharist, you would weep with joy. Approach Jesus silently. Receive Him, listen to Him. He wants to speak to you. He wants to show you all His Love and Mercy. Your victory lies in the Eucharist. In the great and sorrowful tribulation, only those who seek Jesus in the Eucharist will find strength to remain firm in the faith. Many will deny the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. Be alert. Believe: He is present. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,827 – Message of Our Lady delivered on June 1, 2013, transmitted in 6/1/2013
Dear children, courage. I love you as you are and I want to see you happy now here on Earth and later with me in Heaven. Do not hold back in the face of your difficulties. There is no victory without the cross. When everything seems lost, a great victory will come for the elect of God. Help me. I need your yes. Open your hearts and accept the will of God for your lives. Be announcers of the truth. Humanity is wandering down the path to self-destruction, which men have prepared for themselves with their own hands. Convert. Now is the opportune time for your return. Take my appeals to the world. If they persecute you, be silent. The truth will be your weapon of defense. I desire you to be collaborators in the definitive Triumph of My Immaculate Heart. The Lord will repay you generously. Do not be discouraged. Do not hold back. The day is coming when the separated people will return. The great miracle of God will attract the separated. That which I have announced in the past will come to pass. Go forward. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,828 – Message of Our Lady, delivered at Vila Velha/ES, delivered on June 2, 2013, transmitted in 6/2/2013
Dear children, I am with you even though you do not see me. Do not be afraid. I ask you to keep alight the flame of your faith and try to witness everywhere that you belong to my Son Jesus. Do not forget: in everything God is in first place. I came from Heaven to bless you and lead you to the One who is your Way, Truth and Life. Flee from sin and return to the Lord. You are in the world, but you are not of the world. Be docile to my call. I do not want to obligate you, but listen to me. You live in a time worse than the time of the flood. My poor children walk about as blind people leading other blind people. Convert. What you have to do, do not put off until tomorrow. Open your hearts to the Love of the Lord and you will be great in the faith. Have trust, faith and hope. You who are listening to me, do not be discouraged. Your victory is in the Lord. He will not abandon you. After all the tribulation, the Lord will wipe away your tears. After the cross, victory. A great event will occur on this earth. For many, it will be a motive for joy. Courage. God is in control of everything. I will plead with my Jesus for you. Go forward without fear. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,829 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on June 4, 2013, transmitted in 6/4/2013
Dear children, bend your knees in prayer. A decision will be made and there will be great confusion in the palace (the Vatican). I am your Sorrowful Mother and I suffer because of what is coming for you. Remain firm in the faith. Stay with Jesus. Love and defend the Church. Whatever happens, do not forget: God above all. You still have long years of difficult trials. Courage. The Lord loves you and walks with you. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,857 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on August 6, 2013, transmitted in 6/6/2013
Dear children, when everything seems lost, the Lord will send His angles to lead men and women by a secure path. Be quiet and hear the voice of the Lord. In serene silence He will speak to you and tell you how much He loves you. Stay with Him and spend hours in profound intimacy and immense love. There will be no defeat for the just. The blood of my Jesus shed for you is the sign and the great proof of your victory. Love love. The open wound in the hearts of men caused by sin can be healed by the merciful love of my Son Jesus. Be guided by His hands, for only thus can you experience never-ending joy. The joys of the world are fleeting, but happiness with God is eternal. Go forward without fear. Tomorrow will be better. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,830 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on June 8, 2013, transmitted in 6/8/2013
Dear children, on your knees and in prayer, adore my Son Jesus in the Eucharist. In your prayer to Jesus, listen to Him. He wishes to speak to you. Prostrate yourselves before Him and truly adore Him. Your strength and your victory is in the Eucharist. Before Jesus, pray for the Church. Pray for Pope Francis. The Church is going toward a sorrowful future. Decisions will antagonize many, and the way of Calvary will be sorrowful. I am your Mother and I love you. Courage. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,831 – Message of Our Lady, delivered in Belo Horizonte/MG, delivered on June 9, 2013, transmitted in 6/9/2013
Dear children, I love you as you are. I know your needs and your sufferings, and I will plead with my Jesus for you. Have trust, faith and hope. Nothing is lost. When you feel the cross, call upon Jesus. He is your All. In Him is your true liberty and salvation. You are important for the realization of my plans. Open your hearts and listen to me. I came from Heaven to take you to Heaven. Do not be discouraged. I will always be at your side. Humanity is ill and must be cured. Repent, for repentance is the first step to be taken on the way to conversion. Do not permit the flame of faith to be extinguished within you. Say your “yes” to the call of the Lord. You are in the world, but you are not of the world. Live looking toward Paradise, for which alone you were created. Be joyful, for your names are already written in Heaven. Bend your knees in prayer. The Church of my Jesus will carry a heavy cross. Betrayal will touch the throne of Peter. The Holy Father will experience calvary. Pray, pray, pray. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,832 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on June 11, 2013, transmitted in 6/11/2013
Dear children, a successor of Peter is going to prepare the Church for the great victory. The Church will live moments of pain. It will be persecuted and many of the consecrated will suffer death. The Church will be purified by the suffering. The smoke of the devil has spread within it, causing the spiritual blindness of many of the consecrated. All that I have announced to you in the past will come to pass, but do not lose hope. The victory will occur. Pray. Only through the power of prayer will the Church find the way which will lead the faithful to the final triumph. Go forward without fear. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,833 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on June 15, 2013, transmitted in 6/15/2013
Dear children, evil exists and can only be overcome by the power of prayer, the Eucharist, and the Holy Rosary. The power of the devil comes from men’s disobedience and lack of faith. He finds his power in those who are separated from the grace of God. This is a time of a great combat. Listen to me. I came from Heaven to show you the way. You have free will, but I ask you to always do the will of God. Accept the Good News of my Jesus. Be reconciled with God through the sacrament of Confession. Do not live in sin. My Jesus loves you and awaits you with open arms. At this time, intensify your prayers for the Church. The devil will yet cause great damages in the lives of many consecrated people. You will yet see horrors. Whatever happens, do not permit the flame of faith to be extinguished within you. Courage. I will always be at your side. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,834 – Message of Our Lady, delivered in Riacho Fundo I/DF, delivered on June 16, 2013, transmitted in 6/16/2013
Dear children, I am your Sorrowful Mother, and I suffer because of what is coming for you. You live in a time of great tribulations and the time has come for your return to the Lord. Do not live separated. The Lord awaits you with open arms. Do not hold back. What you have to do, do not put off until tomorrow. Be alert. Bend your knees in prayer. You are moving toward a sorrowful future. The war between brothers (religious war) will be painful and many will lose their faith. I suffer because of your sufferings. What I have announced in the past will come to pass. Now is a difficult time for men and women of faith. I am your Mother and you well know how much a mother loves her children. I will be at your side. Go forward without fear. When everything seems lost, you will experience the victory of God. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,835 – Message of Our Lady, delivered in Granja do Torto/DF, delivered on June 18, 2013, transmitted in 6/18/2013
Dear children, take on your true role as Christians and in everything be like Jesus. Witness with your very life that you belong to the Lord and that the things of the world are not for you. Separate yourselves from everything that paralyzes within you the true love of God. Do not forget: you are in the world but you are not of the world. Be filled with hope. Tomorrow will be better for men and women of faith. I am your Mother and I want to help you. Accept my appeals, for I want to lead you to the One who is your Way, Truth and Life. Your victory is in the Lord. Do not be discouraged. If you should happen to fall, call upon Jesus. He is your hope. In Him is your true liberty and salvation. You live in a time of a great spiritual battle. The weapons which I offer you for this spiritual combat will lead you to a great victory. Humanity is sick and must be healed. After all the tribulation, the Lord will dry your tears. When everything seems lost, there will occur the definitive triumph of my Immaculate Heart. Whoever remains faithful to the end will be saved. Go forward without fear. I love you and I will always be near to you. Do not be discouraged. I know each one of you by name and I will plead with my Jesus for you. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,836 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on June 22, 2013, transmitted in 6/22/2013
Dear children, Peter will encounter Judas in his way. Boulder on top of boulder. I ask you to intensify your prayers for the Church of my Jesus. The smoke of the devil has infiltrated the Church and blinded many of the consecrated. I suffer because of what is coming for you. Be men and women of faith. Do not permit the flame of faith to be extinguished within you. Have courage. Remain in the truth and defend it. After all the spiritual tribulation, victory will come. Go forward without fear. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,837 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on June 24, 2013, transmitted in 6/24/2013
Dear children, you are moving toward a future of great spiritual trials. Men and women of faith will carry a heavy cross. The future of the Church will be marked with a great division and a sad religious dictatorship. I suffer because of what is coming for you. Bend your knees in prayer. My Jesus will not abandon you. A great and courageous man of faith will lead the Church on the path of the truth. As courageous as John the Baptist, ready for the sacrifice. Do not hold back. The victory will belong to the Lord and His chosen ones. Whatever happens, love and defend the truth. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,838 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on June 25, 2013, transmitted in 6/25/2013
Dear children, the disrespect for the sacraments on the part of many of the consecrated will lead the Church to Calvary. Many treasures of the Church will be thrown away and many people will lose their faith. That which I have announced in the past will come to pass. I am your Sorrowful Mother and I suffer because of what is coming for you. Walk with Jesus. Only in Him will you find the strength for your walk toward Calvary. Men and women of faith will weep and lament. Bend your knees in prayer. Be attentive to my appeals. When men close doors to you, open your hearts to Jesus. Your hope is in Him. He is your great friend and He will never abandon you. Go forward without fear. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,839 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on June 29, 2013, transmitted in 6/29/2013
Dear children, love the truth and defend it. Stay with Jesus and be faithful to His Church. The way to Calvary will be painful for the Church but afterwards joy will come. I ask you to maintain alight the flame of your faith. Do not separate yourselves from the Lord. He expects much of you. Give the best of yourselves to the mission which the Lord has entrusted to you. I need your sincere and courageous “yes.” Seek strength in prayer, in the Eucharist and in the words of my Jesus. If you should happen to fall, calm your hearts and seek the Mercy of my Jesus through the sacrament of confession. Be docile. I still have noble things to accomplish. Help me. At this moment, I am raining down upon you a shower of blessings. Go forward without fear. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,840 – Message of Our Lady, delivered in Macaé/RJ, delivered on July 1, 2013, transmitted in 7/1/2013
Dear children, love the truth and defend it. Remain with Jesus and be faithful to His Church. The way of Calvary will be sorrowful for the Church, but after the pain joy will come. I ask you to keep alight the flame of your faith. Do not separate yourselves from the Lord. He expects much of you. Give the best of yourselves to the mission which the Lord has entrusted to you. I need your sincere and courageous “yes.” Seek strength in prayer, in the Eucharist, and in the words of my Jesus. If you should happen to fall, calm your hearts and seek the mercy of my Jesus through means of the sacrament of confession. Be docile. I still have noble things to accomplish. Help me. At this moment, I cause to rain upon you a shower of blessings. Go forward without fear. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,841 – Message of Our Lady, delivered at Casimiro de Abreu/RJ, delivered on July 2, 2013, transmitted in 7/2/2013
Dear children, I love you. Be docile to my call. I came from Heaven to take you to Heaven. Do not live in sin. You belong to the Lord, and He expects much of you. Accept the Gospel of my Jesus. Do not permit the things of the world to lead you astray from the path of salvation. Open your hearts to my Son Jesus. In Him is your true salvation. Walk with hope. The Lord is in control of everything. Men are moving toward self-destruction that they prepared with their own hands. I am your sorrowful Mother, and I suffer because of what is coming for you. You have ahead of you yet long years of difficult trials, but in the end the victory will be God’s. It will be a time of joy for the faithful. The earth will pass through a great transformation and all will live joyfully. Bend your knees in prayer. After the pain, the victory will come. The definitive Triumph of my Immaculate Heart will bring you something that human eyes have never seen. Go forward without fear. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,842 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on July 6, 2013, transmitted in 7/6/2013
Dear children, have courage, faith and hope. Tomorrow will be better. Trust completely in the power of God and you will never be defeated. I am your Mother and I came from Heaven to help you. Listen to me. Do not hold back. I know your needs and I will plead with my Jesus for you. You are in the world, but do not forget: your goal is Heaven. Bend your knees in prayer. You live in a time of great spiritual tribulation, but the Lord walks at your side, even though you do not see Him. Open your hearts to His call. When you feel weak, seek strength in the words of my Jesus and in the Eucharist. When everything seems lost, a great joy will occur for you. The Lord has prepared for you something which human eyes have never seen. The definitive Triumph of my Immaculate Heart will bring definitive peace for mankind. Men will live in joy. That will be the time for the fulfillment of the promises of the Lord. Go forward without fear. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,844 – Message of Our Lady, delivered at Montes Claros/MG, delivered on July 8, 2013, transmitted in 7/8/2013
Dear children, you are important for the realization of my plans. Open your hearts. I need each one of you. My Jesus loves you and is very near to you. Do not hold back. Open your hearts to the action of the Holy Spirit. Accept the Gospel and in everything be like Jesus. God is in a hurry. Humanity is ill and must be cured. Repent, for repentance is the first step to be taken on the road to conversion. Now is the time of a great battle. The weapons I offer you are: the Holy Rosary, the Holy Scripture, confession and the Eucharist. You are the Lord’s. The grace of God is upon you. Do not be afraid. No evil will prevail against you if you remain on the path I have shown you. When you feel the weight of your difficulties, call upon Jesus. He will strengthen you and will carry you in His arms. He will dry your tears and give you the grace of victory. In the great and final tribulation, my devotees will experience great joy. Courage. I will plead with my Jesus for you. Rejoice. You are not alone. Go forward. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,843 – Message of Our Lady, delivered in the morning at Sacred Heart of Jesus, delivered on July 8, 2013, transmitted in 7/9/2013
Dear children, my Jesus is with you. Believe firmly in His Power and everything will end well for you. I ask you to live separated from sin. You are the Lord’s. Do not permit the devil to separate you from the path of salvation. You live in a time worse that the time of the flood. Now the times have come which I predicted. Return quickly. What you have to do, do not put off until tomorrow. Tribulation and death will be present in the Church of my Jesus. I suffer because of what is coming for you. Bend your knees in prayer. I do not want to obligate you, but you should give the best of yourself to the mission which the Lord has entrusted to you. Love the truth. Do not forget: in everything, God in first place. Go forward without fear. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,845 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on July 9, 2013, transmitted in 7/9/2013
Dear children, the lack of love for the truth will lead many of the consecrated to the abysm of apostasy. The Calvary of the Church will be painful. I ask you to be faithful and that you let your lives speak of the Lord louder than your words. Listen to the voice of the Lord. Let Him guide you and lead you to holiness. Love the truth. God expects much of you. Do not hold back. I am your Mother and I came from Heaven to call you to conversion. Be docile and listen to my appeals. I know you have free will, but I ask you in all things to do the will of God. Go forward without fear. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,846 – Message of Our Lady delivered on July 13, 2013, transmitted in 7/13/2013
Dear children, do not be discouraged. Trust in Jesus and everything will end well for you. Strengthen yourselves in prayer and in hearing the words of Jesus. Calm your hearts and be guided by the Holy Spirit. Be docile and listen to the voice of the Lord who speaks to your heart. I am your Mother and I came from Heaven to help you. Do not be afraid. Tomorrow will be better. I will plead with my Jesus to grant you the grace of victory. Listen to me. There will be no defeat for the elect of the Lord. He has prepared for you something that human eyes have never seen. In the great final battle, the angels of the Lord will be among you and will take you by a safe path. Courage. Nothing is lost. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,847 – Message of Our Lady delivered in Itapolis/SP, delivered on July 14, 2013, transmitted in 7/14/2013
Dear children, the Lord is very near to you. Courage. When everything seems lost, the Lord will dry your tears. Be filled with trust, faith and hope. When you feel the weight of your cross, call upon Jesus. He is your great Friend, and He loves you. He knows your needs. Only in Him is your true freedom and Salvation. Be meek and humble of heart. Humanity is ill and needs healing. Seek strength in the One who is your Way, Truth and Life. Free yourselves truly from all sin and serve Him with joy. Be faithful. I need your sincere and courageous “yes.” Witness everywhere that you belong to the Lord. Let your lives speak of the Lord more than your words. Your courageous public witness will attract those separated from God. Pray. In prayer you will discover the treasures of God that are within you. I am a Mother who repeats the same song: Convert, convert, convert. After all the tribulation, humanity will encounter peace. Go forward. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,848 – Message of Our Lady, delivered at Nova Luzitania/SP, delivered on July 16, 2013, transmitted in 7/16/2013
Dear children, do not be discouraged. When everything seems to be lost, a great victory will come for mankind. The Lord will send the signal of His covenant, and everyone will see it. Trust in Jesus. Place your hope in Him with complete confidence. Do not live separated from the Lord. Flee from sin and listen to my appeals. I do not want to force you, for you have free will, but I ask you to do the will of God in everything. Humanity has separated itself from God and is moving toward a great abysm. Turn around quickly. What you have to do, do not put off until tomorrow. I ask you to keep alight the flame of your faith. Do not allow the darkness of the devil to separate you from the path of truth. Love. Only in love can you understand the plans God has for you life. I love you as you are and I came from Heaven to show you the way to salvation. Listen to me. I will plead with my Jesus for you. Go forward without fear. Seek strength in the words of Jesus and in the Eucharist. You victory is in the Lord. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,849 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on July 20, 2013, transmitted in 7/20/2013
Dear children, renew your hope and your faith. Brazil needs saintly youth. Do not fear tomorrow. Put Jesus in the center of your families. He is your great Friend. Tell your children to be unafraid and to give themselves to Jesus. Courage. Do not worry about material things. Be filled with God. In Him is your joy. I came from Heaven to help you. Open your hearts to the Lord. Listen to His voice, for He wants to speak to you. If you should happen to fall, seek strength in prayer and in the Eucharist. Do not permit the things of the world to impede your following and serving the Lord. When everything seems lost, the great victory of God will occur. Humanity will encounter peace and many of those separated from God will return. Trust in the Lord. I will plead with my Jesus for you. Go forward without fear. I will always be at your side. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,850 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on July 23, 2013, transmitted in 7/23/2013
Dear children, I invite you to live conscientiously the Beatitudes taught by my Son Jesus. Take Jesus as your very life. Do not be afraid. Jesus wants what is best for you and He wants your Salvation. The whole future of our nation depends upon your choice today. Be aware of your acts, and in everything imitate Jesus. Open your hearts to Christ. Open the doors to Him and hope in Him with joy. Do not allow your free will to separate you from God. Bend your knees in prayer. Tomorrow will be better for men and women of faith. Pray for the Church. From the Land of the Holy Cross (Brazil) will come suffering and pain for the Church of my Son Jesus. A thorn will rise up and wound those who seek the truth and love it. I suffer because of what is coming for you. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,851 – Message of Our Lady, delivered at Socorro/SE, delivered on July 25, 2013, transmitted in 7/25/2013
Dear children, the day is coming when many will repent of the life they have lived without God, but for many it will be too late. God calls you. Do not separate yourselves from Him. He will give men a great chance. A special grace of the Lord will allow all those who live without the grace of God to see their errors and their sins. That will be the great sign from God to men. Repent. Difficult days are coming. What you have to do, do not put off until tomorrow. Trust in Jesus. He is your All, and only in Him can you find full joy. Return quickly. Live by and witness to the Gospel. Do not live in sin, but seek by your examples and by your words to witness to the love of God. I am your Mother and I suffer because of your sufferings. I know each one of you by name and I will plead with my Jesus for you. Rejoice, for your names are already written in Heaven. Do not hold back. Do not be discouraged. Nothing and no one is lost. Love. Accept your brothers with the same love with which Jesus accepts them. If men love each other, humanity would quickly be healed spiritually. Courage. I need your sincere and courageous “yes.” Go forward. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,852 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on July 27, 2013, transmitted in 7/27/2013
Dear children, be filled with hope. God will act on behalf of His chosen. That which human eyes have never seen has been prepared for you by the Lord. Renew your trust and hope in the Lord with joy. Tomorrow will be better. Believe firmly in the Power of God and everything will end well for you. Open your hearts and respond with courage to the call of the Lord. Remain with Jesus. Give Him your hands and your steps will lead you to holiness. My Jesus expects much of you. Transform your actions into concrete actions. There are many who need you. I am your Mother and I came from Heaven to show you the way. Do not hold back. Go forward without fear. I will plead with my Jesus for you. When everything seems lost, the great victory of the Lord will come for you. Rejoice. You are not alone. My Jesus walks with you. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,853 – Message of Our Lady, delivered at Ceilandia Norte/DF, delivered on July 29, 2013, transmitted in 7/29/2013
Dear children, open your hearts the way flowers open on a spring morning. Let Jesus live in your hearts. Do not close yourselves off from the grace of God. You are loved, each and every one, by the Father in the Son through the Holy Spirit. Let your lives announce Jesus more even than your words do. Separate yourselves from things of the world. Do not allow the light of God to be extinguished within you. You live in a time of great spiritual tribulation. Pray. Only through the power of prayer can you withstand the weight of the trials that are already on the way. Be men and women of faith. God needs you. Give the best of yourselves to the mission which the Lord has entrusted to you. I do not want to obligate you, but listen to me. Pray also, and above all, for the Church. A time of joy and sorrow is coming for the Church. The smoke of the Devil will arise in the house of God, but the light of the Lord will prevail. Courage. Do not hold back. I am at your side, even though you do not see me. Go forward with joy. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,854 – Message of Our Lady, delivered in Brazlandia/DF, delivered on July 30, 2013, transmitted in 7/30/2013
Dear children, I am your sorrowful Mother and I suffer because of what is coming for you. Bend your knees in prayer. Difficult days are coming for humanity. Men and women of faith will weep and lament. I ask you to be faithful to Jesus. Open your hearts and believe firmly in the Gospel. My Jesus speaks to you. Listen to Him. Do not separate yourselves from the truth. I came from Heaven to call you to conversion. Be docile. Only those who are faithful to Jesus will remain in the truth. Now is the time of a great spiritual battle. The weapons which I offer to you for this combat are: the rosary, the Holy Scripture, and the Eucharist. Remain upon the path which I have shown you and you will be victorious. Have courage. When everything seems lost, a great victory will occur for you. Go forward. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,855 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on August 3, 2013, transmitted in 8/3/2013
Dear children, I came from Heaven to call you to a noble mission: announce Jesus to all those who do not yet know Him. Through your example and your words, show everyone that you belong to the Lord. My Jesus is not distant from you. He is your sincere friend and will never leave you alone. When you feel the weight of the cross, call upon Jesus. In Him is your hope and your full happiness. I ask you to keep alight the flame of faith. Be filled with the Love of the Lord. Let Him illuminate you with His grace, and you will be saved. I am your sorrowful mother and I suffer because of what is coming for you. Your nation will stumble, and my poor children will carry a heavy cross. Accords will be made and there will be grave conflict. Death will be present in many regions. Bend your knees in prayer. I need each one of you. Courage. I will plead with my Jesus for you. Go forward without fear. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,856 – Message of Our Lady, delivered at Assentamento Fortaleza, Gloria/SE, delivered on August 4, 2013, transmitted in 8/4/2013
Dear children, God sent me to you to tell you that you are important to Him. My Jesus is in your midst and He wants to save you. Be docile. I am happy to be here. In you, I find open hearts desirous of accepting my messages and witnessing to them. Go forward without fear. When you feel the weight of your difficulties, call upon me and I will always be near to you to lead you to the One who is your All. The triumph of my Immaculate Heart will occur through my devotees, simple souls capable of manifesting the presence of God through their own lives. Humanity will find peace because I am attended by the meek and humble of heart. Bend your knees in prayer. Do not live in sin. I know each one of you by name and I will plead with my Jesus for you. Have trust, faith and hope. Your victory is in the power of prayer, in the Eucharist, and in the words of Jesus. Do not hold back. God can do anything. Let His grace transform you. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,857 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on August 6, 2013, transmitted in 8/6/2013
Dear children, when everything seems lost, the Lord will send His angels to lead men and women by a secure path. Be quiet and hear the voice of the Lord. In serene silence He will speak to you and tell you how much He loves you. Stay with Him and spend hours in profound intimacy and immense love. There will be no defeat for the just. The blood of my Jesus shed for you is the sign and the great proof of your victory. Love love. The open wound in the hearts of men caused by sin can be healed by the merciful love of my Son Jesus. Be guided by His hands, for only thus can you experience never-ending joy. The joys of the world are fleeting, but happiness with God is eternal. Go forward without fear. Tomorrow will be better. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,857 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on August 6, 2013, transmitted in 8/6/2013
Dear children, when everything seems lost, the Lord will send His angels to lead men and women by a secure path. Be quiet and hear the voice of the Lord. In serene silence He will speak to you and tell you how much He loves you. Stay with Him and spend hours in profound intimacy and immense love. There will be no defeat for the just. The blood of my Jesus shed for you is the sign and the great proof of your victory. Love love. The open wound in the hearts of men caused by sin can be healed by the merciful love of my Son Jesus. Be guided by His hands, for only thus can you experience never-ending joy. The joys of the world are fleeting, but happiness with God is eternal. Go forward without fear. Tomorrow will be better. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,858 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on August 12, 2013, transmitted in 8/12/2013
Dear children, put God first in your lives and in your decisions. Bend your knees in prayer and beseech the Holy Spirit to illuminate you. Do not forget: before everything and above all, the will of God. Calm your hearts, for God will speak to you. You live in difficult times and my poor children walk about as blind people leading other blind people. You belong to the Lord. Value life and do not remain silent in the face of deceptive campaigns against life and against the sanctity of marriage. Be an example of faith and courage for others. God needs your “yes.” Do not hold back. Now is the opportune time for your return to the God of Salvation and of Peace. The powerful of this world have created laws that offend the Creator. The laws against life tend to take the Lord out of society and make men slaves of the Devil. You are God’s. Defend that which is the Lord’s. Your silence strengthens the enemies of God. Say yes to life. Say no to the killing of innocents. Every evil which you practice against the least of God’s people will take you to eternal damnation. My Lord needs your voice: be docile and let the Lord speak. Go forward without fear. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,859 – Message of Our Lady, at Rio Real/BA, transmitted in 8/12/2013
Dear children, be honest in your actions. God is going to demand the talents which He gave you. He is a just Judge who gives to each according to his works. Do not permit the devil to enslave you through corruption. Open your hearts to love and to the truth. My Jesus is the Light which illuminates. Say no to the darkness and walk in the light of my Son Jesus. I came from Heaven to bless you. I will plead with my Jesus for you. Courage. Nothing and no one is lost. Your nation will drink of the bitter chalice of pain. You future will be marked by grave conflicts. Bend your knees in prayer. Only through prayer can you achieve victory. Go forward along the path I have shown you. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,860 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on August 13, 2013, transmitted in 8/13/2013
Dear children, love the Lord. Whoever loves Him and lives according to His will shall see the face of God. Your life on Earth brings you happy moments, but nothing can compare with that which God has prepared for His elect. Along your way, you will often encounter situations which tend to separate you from God. Be alert. You are in the world, but the things of the world are not for you who belong to the Lord. Live looking toward Paradise, for which alone you were created. God is calling. His call is for everyone, even though many, using their free will in an egotistical way, choose the path of darkness. My Jesus is the Light of the world and all those who follow Him will find full joy, now here on earth and later with me in Heaven. The time which I announced in the past has arrived. Bend your knees in prayer. Decisions for the good of the Church will provoke great confusion. Hold on to the truth. Do not deviate from the path which I have shown you. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,861 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on August 17, 2013, transmitted in 8/17/2013
Dear children, I am your Mother and I love you. I came from Heaven to call you to holiness. The road to holiness is full of obstacles, but whoever travels with the Lord will always win. Be honest in your actions and in everything imitate my Son Jesus. Be alert. When you hand over power to men and women who acknowledge no obligation to God, the result is always corruption. Corruption in Brazil has become an epidemic which contaminates my poor children every day. I am your sorrowful Mother and I suffer because of what is coming for you. Bend your knees in prayer. Do not permit the devil to enslave you. You are the Lord’s and He is the only One you should follow and serve. I do not want to obligate you, but what I say should be taken seriously. Do not stand about with your arms crossed. Now is the opportune time for your return. Do not forget: to whom much is given, much will be required. I ask you to maintain alight the flame of your faith. Believe firmly in the power of God. He is in control of everything. When everything seems lost, you will experience the victory of God. Courage. There will be no defeat for those who live by my appeals. I will plead with my Jesus for you. In these days, intensify your prayers for the Church. The devil will cause confusion. Love and defend the truth. Do not hold back. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,862 – Message of Our Lady, delivered in Aracaju/SE, delivered on August 20, 2013, transmitted in 8/20/2013
Dear children, courage. There is no victory without the cross. You are going toward a sorrowful future, but those who remain firm in the faith will achieve a great victory. I am your Mother, and I know your needs. Bend your knees in prayer. I am always at your side, even though you do not see me. I came from Heaven to take you to Heaven. Be docile. I need your yes. Do not remain stationary. What you have to do, do not put off until tomorrow. I ask you to be men and women of prayer. Now is the time which I have announced in the past. Continue to pray for the Church. Heavy clouds will fall upon Her. Her enemies will unite and cause confusion and division. Do not be discouraged. The victory of the Church is in the hands of the Lord. After all the tribulation, a new time of grace will arise for the Church. Be joyful, for my Jesus is at your side. Be filled with hope. Tomorrow will be better. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,863 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on August 21, 2013, transmitted in 8/21/2013
Dear children, the Church of my Jesus will carry a heavy cross and the way to Calvary will be sorrowful. Men and women of faith will be judged and condemned. Screams for help will be heard, and a successor of Peter will drink of the bitter chalice of suffering. Pray. Do not separate yourselves from prayer. After all the persecution, the Lord will take away from the Church all the smoke of the devil and there will be a time of peace. I suffer because of what is coming for you. Do not be discouraged. Do not stray from the path of truth. Whoever walks with the Lord will never experience the weight of defeat. Go forward. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,864 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on August 24, 2013, transmitted in 8/24/2013
Dear children, be a sign of the presence of God wherever you are. Be filled with His love, for only thus can you witness to others. Humanity is ill and needs to be healed. Seek strength in Jesus. Feed yourselves on His word and let Him reign in your lives through the strength that emanates from His presence in the Eucharist. Do not be afraid. Tomorrow will be better for men and women of faith. Value family prayer. Invite Jesus to be with you. He wants to be with you and to bless your families. Fill your homes with love. Love each other with the love of my Son Jesus. The true liberation and salvation of humanity will come through love. Love always, for love is stronger than death and more powerful than sin. Whatever happens, do not allow the flame of faith within you to be extinguished. Go forward without fear. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,865 – Message of Our Lady, at Nucleo Bandeirantes/DF, transmitted in 8/26/2013
Dear children, you belong to the Lord. Be filled with His grace and live turned toward Paradise for which alone you were created. Say no to sin and return to Jesus. He loves you and awaits you with the immense love of a father. I ask you to keep alight the flame of your faith. The darkness of the devil will contaminate my poor children. Open your hearts to the light of God. My Lord wants your salvation. If you should happen to fall, arise in the grace of my Jesus. Seek strength in His words and be great in the faith. Nourish yourselves with the precious Food of the Eucharist. Your soul needs the grace and the presence of Jesus. Do not separate yourselves from Him. Humanity is walking about spiritually blind and I came from Heaven to show you the way. Be docile. I will plead with my Jesus for you. Courage. You still have ahead of you long years of difficult trials, but in the end the victory will be God’s. Go forward with joy. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,866 – Message of Our Lady, delivered at Vila Planalto/DF, delivered on August 27, 2013, transmitted in 8/27/2013
Dear children, do not be afraid. My Lord is at your side. You live in a time worse that the time of the great flood, and my children walk about as blind people leading other blind people. Give me your hands, for I wish to lead you to the One who is your only Way, Truth and Life. Always walk in the truth of my Jesus. You are important for the completion of my plans. Give the best of yourselves to the mission which the Lord has entrusted to you. You who are listening to me, do not be discouraged. The Lord will reward you generously for all that you do on behalf of my plans. The Lord has reserved for His elect something that human eyes have never seen. Now is the time of great and sorrowful tribulations. It is necessary that all of this occur, but the final victory will be the Lord’s. The definitive triumph of my Immaculate Heart will bring peace to the earth. Mankind will see the powerful Hand of God in action. He will wipe away your tears and you will experience a great time of peace. Bend your knees in prayer. Stay with the Lord. Seek Him in the Eucharist. He is your strength. Listen to Him in the Gospels. His words guide you and lead you to holiness. Courage. Do not be discouraged. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,867 – Message of our Lady, delivered on August 31, 2013, transmitted in 8/31/2013
Dear children, do not be afraid. The Lord walks with you. Put your trust and hope in Him. My Jesus is your traveling companion. Give the best of yourselves, and you will be led to holiness. Humanity is ill and the moment of healing has come. Seek Jesus. He loves you and awaits you. Feed yourselves with the Eucharist. Strengthen yourselves in prayer and by listening to the words of my Jesus. I know each one of you and I know what you need. Open your hearts to the truth. Difficult days will come for men and women of faith. That which I have announced to you in the past will come to pass. Bend your knees in prayer. Courage. I will plead with my Jesus for you. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,868 – Message of Our Lady, delivered in Maceio/AL, delivered on September 1, 2013, transmitted in 9/1/2013
Dear children, seek Jesus today and Heaven will be your reward. You are in the world but you are not of the world. You belong to the Lord, and only in Him is your true salvation. Accept the Gospel of my Jesus in order to be great in faith. If you should happen to fall, do not be discouraged. Jesus is your great Friend. He is your sustenance through the Eucharist. In the sacrament of confession, He transforms you and offers you His mercy. Do not stand about with your arms crossed. What you have to do, do not put off until tomorrow. Convert and return to the One who is your All. God is in a hurry. Separate yourself from all that is evil and serve the Lord with Joy. Humanity is moving along a track of self-destruction, which men have prepared with their own hands. Difficult days are coming. Do not stand about with your arms crossed. Whoever walks with the Lord will never experience the weight of defeat. Whatever happens, do not allow the flame of faith within you to be extinguished. I will be at your side. Go forward without fear. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,869 – Message of Our Lady, delivered at Campo do Brito/SE, delivered on September 3, 2013, transmitted in 9/3/2013
Dear children, love the truth and defend it. You are the Lord’s. Your greatest temptation is to appear as Christians without truly being Christians, taking on commitments with things of the world. You have a tendency to sin, and without reflection, you are moving toward the abyss of destruction. Convert at once. Open your hearts to the Lord and do not permit your doubts and uncertainties to separate you from the grace of God. I am very near to you. Listen to me. You have free will, but as your Mother, I ask you: before all and above all, God in first place. You live in a time of great spiritual tribulations. Pray. Bend your knees in prayer. When everything seems lost, the great victory of God will come for you. Tomorrow will be better for those who live by and witness to my appeals. Courage. I will plead with my Jesus for you. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,870 – Message of Our Lady, transmitted in 9/7/2013
Dear children, I am your Mother and I came from Heaven to help you. Humanity desires peace, but peace will come when you convert and accept the Love of God in your hearts. You are moving toward a painful future. There will yet be horrors upon the Earth. Bend your knees in prayer. I want to help you, but what I do depends on you, for you have free will. Let God take charge of your lives. Be docile. The disobedience of men attracts upon humanity all sorts of evil. I love you as you are. Listen to me. I am at your side, although you do not see me. Courage. I will plead with my Jesus for you. Pray, pray, pray. This is the message that I transmit to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for having allowed Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you, in the name of the Father, of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.
3,871 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on September 10, 2013, transmitted in 9/10/2013
Dear children, deliver yourselves with total trust into the hands of my Son Jesus. Your lives should be in His hands. Trust and you will be victorious. Now is the time of pain for men and women of faith. Bend your knees in prayer. Nothing is lost. I am your Mother and I came from Heaven to help you. Be docile. Your strength is in the Eucharist and in the words of my Jesus. You who are listening to me, rejoice. When everything seems lost, a great joy will come for you. Be alert. I walk with you. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,872 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on September 13, 2013, transmitted in 9/13/2013
Dear children, I am your Sorrowful Mother and I suffer because of what is coming for you. I ask you to live by my appeals, for I desire to lead you to the One who is your Way, Truth and Life. A painful event will occur in Italy. Men will weep and lament. Be alert. God is in a hurry. What you have to do, do not put off until tomorrow. Pray. Only through the power of prayer can you withstand the weight of the trials that are on your path. Sacred Scripture, Confession, the Eucharist, and the Holy Rosary: these are the weapons for the great spiritual war. Go forward without fear. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,873 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on September 14, 2013, transmitted in 9/14/2013
Dear children, courage. My Jesus is at your side. Rejoice, for my Jesus loves you and is your great friend. I came from Heaven to take you to Heaven. I came to give you my love and take your intentions to my Jesus. Give me all of them. My Jesus is your only and true Savior. He can transform your life and make you great in the faith. Be docile and witness everywhere that you belong truly to my Son Jesus. Do not stand about with your arms crossed. Whenever you feel weak, call upon Jesus. In Him you will find strength to sustain you in His grace. Be filled with hope. Tomorrow will be better for all of you. Do not hold back. My Jesus will always be with you. He will never abandon you. In the great final tribulation, you who listen to me will be called blessed. Go forward. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,874 – Message of Our Lady, delivered in Goiania/GO, delivered on September 16, 2013, transmitted in 9/16/2013
Dear children, I am your Mother and I came from Heaven to bless you. You belong to the Lord and He is the only One you should follow and serve. Do not permit the things of the world to impede you from walking in the direction of the one who is your only true Savior. Bend your knees in prayer. You live in a time of great tribulations. Difficult days will come and only those who are faithful will remain firm in the faith. Say no to sin and live turned toward paradise for which alone you were created. Live with joy the Gospel of my Jesus. Feed yourselves on the Eucharist so you will be great in faith. Humanity is moving toward an abyss of destruction which men have prepared with their own hands. Now is the time of your return. Do not stand about with your arms crossed. Do not be discouraged. The Lord is with you. He will dry your tears. After all the tribulation, humanity will find peace. Courage. I will plead with my Jesus for you. Listen to me. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,875 – Message of Our Lady delivered in Varjão/DF, delivered on September 17, 2013, transmitted in 9/17/2013
Dear children, go forward without fear. I am with you. Whatever happens, do not separate yourselves from the truth. My Jesus is your All and only in Him will you find your true freedom and salvation. Separate yourselves from anything that paralyzes within you the love of God. You have free will, but it is best that you do the will of God. I invite you tonight to be meek and humble of heart. Say your yes to the call of the Lord. Seek strength in prayer and in the words of my Jesus. Sincerely repent of your sins and live in the grace and in the presence of the Lord. You are important for the accomplishment of my plans. Give me your hands and I will lead you by a safe path. You live in a time of pain, but after the tribulation the victory of the Lord will come for you. He will transform the Earth and everything will be different. Peace will reign and you will be completely happy. Courage. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,876 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on September 21, 2013, transmitted in 9/21/2013
Dear children, be filled with the love of the Lord. Love heals, frees, and produces spiritual fruit in your lives. Be docile to the action of the Holy Spirit. Let yourselves be led by the light of the Lord, for only thus will you find the path to conversion and to salvation. Do not be afraid. Your victory is in the hands of the Lord. Trust in Him who is your Absolute Good and who knows you by name. You are important for the realization of my plans. Give the best of yourselves to the mission which the Lord has entrusted to you. I know each of you by name and I know that you are necessary. When you are separated from prayer, you become a target for the devil. Confession, Eucharist, the Holy Scripture, and the Holy Rosary: These are the weapons of the great spiritual battle. Difficult days are coming and many men will be separated from the truth. Those who are chosen to defend the truth will deny it. It will be a time of great sorrow for men and women of faith. Do not hold back. Remain in the truth. I will be at your side. Courage . This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,877 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on September 24, 2013, transmitted in 9/24/2013
Dear children, the Lord tends you like a provident Father and gathers you to Him with His love. Open your hearts to His grace and let His hands guide you. Have unlimited trust, and everything will end well for you. I am your Mother and I came from Heaven to show you the way of salvation. Be docile, Accept the Gospel of my Jesus and witness everywhere that you are in the world, but you are not of the world. Bend your knees in prayer. You are moving toward a future of great spiritual trials. The future will be marked by great disorder, but those who are faithful to the end will be victorious. Whatever happens do not lose your faith. Do not hold back. The Lord is at your side. . This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,878 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on September 27, 2013, transmitted in 9/27/2013
Dear children, let the flame of faith within you be rekindled. Everything is transformed by grace in the lives of those who have faith. Be alert. Do not permit the things of the earth separate you from God. My poor children walk about in a sad spiritual blindness. The creature is more valued than the Creator, and thus my poor children are becoming lost in ever greater numbers. My Jesus wants to save you, but you can not live separated from His Gospel. My Jesus came to bring you salvation. Condemnation is the result of not accepting the grace which my Jesus offered you upon the cross. Darkness covers all the Earth. Difficult days are coming and only those who are faithful to Jesus will be able to withstand the weight of the trials that are on the way. The devil will cause confusion and division in the Church. Religious vandalism will spread and will contaminant many people. Bend your knees in prayer and remain firmly upon the path which I have shown you. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,879 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on September 28, 2013, transmitted in 9/28/2013
Dear children, I love you as you are. I came from Heaven to offer you my love and to lead you to the One who is your only Way, Truth and Life. You are the Lord’s. Hold within your hearts the love of God and do not permit the flame of that love to be extinguished within you. You are of the light. The darkness can not occupy space in your lives. Be filled with the Holy Spirit. Be docile. When you feel weak, call upon Jesus. In Him is your true freedom and salvation. You are free. Your free will is a great treasure which God gave you, but be careful. Above and beyond everything, the will of God. Accept my appeals. In the great spiritual battle, those who live by my appeals will come to contemplate how marvelous God is. Courage. Do not hold back. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,880 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on September 29, 2013, transmitted in 9/29/2013
Dear children, I came from Heaven to bring you peace. Open your hearts and in every way imitate my Son Jesus. God sent me to you to tell you that you are important to Him. Do not be discouraged by your difficulties. My Jesus is very near to you. He is your Great Friend and will never abandon you. Do not forget: you belong to the Lord and He is the only One you should follow and serve. Give the best of yourself to the mission which the Lord has entrusted to you. Your greatest temptation is to appear to be Christians while living a life committed to things of the world. Your bond is with the Lord. You are in the world, but you are not of the world. I am happy to be here. Courage. I still have noble things to do on behalf of man. Be docile. I need each one of you. At the definitive triumph of my Immaculate Heart, you who are faithful to my appeals will be called Blessed. The angels of the Lord will guide you by secure paths and there will be no defeat for you. Go forward without fear. I will plead with my Jesus for you. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,881 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on October 1, 2013, transmitted in 10/1/2013
Dear children, you belong to my Son Jesus. I want to tell you that you are important to Him and that your lives are in His hands. I came from Heaven to lead you to the One who is your only true Savior. Do not live in sin. Repent, for repentance is the first step to be taken on the path to conversion. I am your Mother and I came for your sake. Do not stand about with your arms crossed. God is in a hurry. What you have to do, do not put off until tomorrow. You are moving toward a future of great difficulties. Men will embrace false ideologies and will separate themselves from the truth. Be alert. Remain with Jesus. Believe in His Gospel to be saved. You have free will, but it is best to do the will of God. Courage. Nothing is lost. The Lord is in control of everything. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,882 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on October 5, 2013, transmitted in 10/5/2013
Dear children, you are the Lord's. The ways of the world separate you from Jesus, but the Gospel leads you to salvation. Stay with Jesus. Love and defend the truth. Humanity has become spiritually blind, but the Light of the Lord will lead you to true liberty. Be docile. I do not want to force you, for you have free will. Listen lovingly to my appeals. I came from Heaven to call you to conversion. Do not hold back. Do not remain stationary in sin. You are in the world, but you belong to the Lord. You are headed for a time of great tribulation. Discord among the chosen will cause great confusion in the house of the Lord. Bend your knees in prayer. God is in a hurry. Courage. What you have to do, do not put off until tomorrow. Go forward without fear. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,883 – Message of Our Lady, delivered in Ibitinga/SP, delivered on October 6, 2013, transmitted in 10/6/2013
Dear children, I love you as you are. I came from Heaven to tell you that you are precious to the Lord. Do not permit the things of the world to separate you from the path of conversion. Open your hearts and embrace the Gospel of my Jesus to be saved. You are in the world, but you are not of the world. Be filled with hope. Tomorrow will be better for men and women of faith. Give the best of yourselves to the mission which the Lord and entrusted to you. God needs your yes. Be courageous. You will face great difficulties, but the victory will be the Lord's. Bend your knees in prayer. Your victory is in the hands of the Lord. When everything seems lost, great joy will come to you. Whenever you feel weak, call upon Jesus. Seek strength in the Eucharist and in the Words of my Son Jesus. At this moment I am causing to rain upon you an extraordinary shower of blessings from Heaven. Go forward. I will always be with you. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you
3,884 – Message of Our Lady, delivered in Magda/SP, delivered on October 7, 2013, transmitted in 10/7/2013
Dear children, the path to holiness is full of obstacles, but those who follow it in faith will encounter victory. Do not stand about with your arms crossed. Now is the opportune time for your return. Do not live stationary in sin. Open your hearts to the light of God and let your lives speak of the Lord more than your words do. Witness everywhere that you belong solely to my Son Jesus. I came from Heaven to call you to holiness. Let your spirituality drink at the fountain that is Christ, Master of masters and Shepherd of your souls. Humanity has become spiritually poor, but there is still a chance for everyone to know and love Jesus. He is your greatest friend. In Him is your true salvation and freedom. Difficult times are coming for men and women of faith. I will plead with my Jesus for you. Go forward without fear. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,885 – Message of Our Lady, delivered at the Community of Our Lady of Brazil, SP, delivered on October 8, 2013, transmitted in 10/8/2013
Dear children, you are not alone. My Son Jesus walks with you. Do not be afraid. You belong to the Lord and He expects much of you. Bend your knees in prayer. Your victory is in the Lord. Flee from sin and serve the Lord with gladness. I came from Heaven to lead you to the One who is your Everything. When you feel weak, do not become desperate. Call upon Jesus. Seek Him in the Eucharist and be great in faith. Humanity is ill and needs healing. My poor children walk about as blind people leading other blind people. Return to Jesus. Your happiness is in Him. Be docile. Difficult times are coming for my poor children. The Land of the Holy Cross (Brazil) will drink of the bitter chalice of suffering. Pray. Only through the strength of prayer can you withstand the weight of the trials that are coming. Nothing is lost. Be joyful, for your names are already written in Heaven. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,886 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on October 12, 2013, transmitted in 10/12/2013
Dear children, I am Mother and Queen of Brazil. This is my desire: return to the Lord and do not live stationary in sin. Now is the time of grace in your lives. Bend your knees in prayer for Brazil. Your nation will drink of the bitter chalice of pain. Serious conflicts will spread through Brazil and a serious and painful attempted assination will gain the attention of the world. I am your sorrowful Mother and I suffer because of what is coming for you. Do not hold back. Remain firm upon the path which I have shown you over the years. I want to help you, but I ask you to be docile to my appeals. I need your yes. Give the best of yourselves to the mission which the Lord has entrusted to you. Open your hearts to Jesus. He loves you and awaits you with open arms. Courage. When everything seems lost, the victory of God will come for you. Do not be afraid. I know each one of you by name and I know what you need. Go forward without fear. Whoever is with the Lord will have a better tomorrow. . This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,887 – Message of Our Lady, delivered in Sao Luis/MA, delivered on October 15, 2013, transmitted in 10/15/2013
Dear children, the powerful action of the Lord will transform humanity. After all the pain, this Action of God will occur and all will be joy in the hearts of the men and women of faith. Courage. The Lord is in control of everything. Be faithful. The Lord has reserved for His elect something which human eyes have never seen. Do not stand around with your arms crossed. God is in a hurry. Take on your true role as Christians. Take the Gospel of my Jesus to all those who are separated. Announce also my appeals to the world. I need you. Open your hearts and give the best of yourselves to the mission which the Lord has entrusted to you. The Lord needs your strength and courage. You are not alone. I am always near to you. If you should happen to fall, do not hold back. Seek strength in the Eucharist and you will be victorious with Jesus. Go forward. Tomorrow will be better for all those who listen to me. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,888 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on October 17, 2013, transmitted in 10/17/2013
Dear children, seek the Lord. He awaits you with open arms. The day is coming when many will repent of living a life without the grace of God, but for many it will be too late. I want to tell you, God is in a hurry. Hurry up and return to the One who is your Way, Truth and Life. You still have ahead of you long years of difficult trials. That which I have announced in the past will come to pass. The Church of my Jesus will drink of the bitter chalice of abandonment, and many of the consecrated will be led to their death. I suffer because of what is coming for you. Have courage. Love the truth and defend it. Whatever happens, remain with the Church. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,891 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on October 25, 2013, transmitted in 10/25/2013
Dear children, walk with Jesus. Call upon Him always and He will be near you. He is your Way, Truth and Life. In Him is you true freedom and your salvation. I am your Mother and I love you. Do not stray from the path I have shown you. You live in a time of great tribulation. You are going toward a future of pain. The truth will be present in few hearts and false ideologies will spread faster and faster. Be alert. Embrace the truth of the Gospel and remain with the true magesterium of the Church. Courage. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,892 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on October 26, 2013, transmitted in 10/26/2013
Dear children, the Lord awaits you. Remain steadfast upon the path of truth, for only thus can you encounter the Lord and serve Him with faithfulness. I want to see you happy now here upon the Earth and later with me in Heaven. Do not hold back. If you should happen to fall, seek strength in Jesus. Draw near to Him in the confessional and seek the mercy of the Lord in the sacrament of confession. Strengthen yourselves with the Eucharist, the true presence of my Son Jesus who strengthens you and sanctifies you. Value family prayer. The shadows of the devil have penetrated many homes. Seek the light of the Lord in earnest prayer and listen to His Holy Word. Consecrate yourselves daily to my Sacred Heart. By means of your consecration, I wish to lead you to the highest peak of holiness. Now is the time of grace. Do not stand about with your arms crossed. Difficult days are coming and few will remain firm in the faith. There will be a great and painful crisis of faith, and humanity will drink of the bitter chalice of pain. Courage. Whoever is with the Lord will never experience the weight of defeat. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,893 – Message of Our Lady, delivered at Sitio de Gama/DF, delivered on October 29, 2013, transmitted in 10/29/2013
Dear children, calm your hearts and remain with the Lord. Do not allow anything to separate you from my Jesus. He is your All. Only in Him is your victory. After all the tribulation, great joy will come. I am your Mother and I came from Heaven to take you to Heaven. Open your hearts and be docile to my call. You still have ahead of you long years of difficult trials, but the Lord will be at your side. I ask you to keep alight the flame of your faith. Do not permit your doubts and uncertainties to separate you from the grace of the Lord. You are the chosen ones of God. Be faithful. I invite you to follow the Lord and serve Him with immense joy. He has prepared for you something which human eyes have never seen. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,894 – Message of Our Lady delivered on November 1, 2013, transmitted in 11/1/2013
Dear children, calm your hearts. My Jesus is at your side. Do not allow anything to separate you from the peace which my Jesus offers you. Bend your knees in prayer. The trials overcome through prayer give you opportunities to grow in your spiritual life. Do not be afraid. Give yourselves over docilely to my Jesus. He will take care of you. Be neither sad nor anxious. Your lives are in the hands of Jesus. I want to tell you that you are important to me. Give me your hands and I will lead you to the One who is your Way, Truth and Life. Pray for the souls in Purgatory and be joyful along with all the saints. Be faithful. The Lord has prepared for His faithful ones something which men have never experienced in this life. Have trust, faith and hope. After all the tribulation, humanity will live in joy. That will be the time of the definitive triumph of my Immaculate Heart. Go forward without fear. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you
3,895 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on November 2, 2013, transmitted in 11/2/2013
Dear children, I am your Sorrowful Mother and I suffer because of your sufferings. Trust in Jesus. He is your All, and only in Him will you be able to be completely happy. Live looking toward Paradise for which alone you were created. You are in the world, but you do not belong to the world. Be filled with hope. Seek the Lord and you will be great in the faith. I have great things to reveal to you. Accept the will of God for your lives. When you feel the weight of the cross, call upon Jesus. Be strengthened by living the Gospel and seek victory in the Eucharist. Difficult times are coming for men and women of faith, but those who remain faithful until the end will experience great joy. Courage. I know each one of you by name and I will plead with my Jesus for you. Go forward. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,896 – Message of Our Lady, delivered at Sitio Mae Rainha, Nossa Senhora das Dores/SE, delivered on November 3, 2013, transmitted in 11/3/2013
Dear children, do not be afraid. Your victory is in the Lord. Trust in Him who sees what is hidden and who knows you by name. You live in a time worse than the time before the great flood, and the moment has arrived for your return to the God of Salvation and Peace. You belong to the Lord and He loves you. If you knew how much He loves you, you would weep with joy. Give the best of yourself to the mission which the Lord has entrusted to you. He expects much from you. Have trust, faith and hope. Tomorrow will be better for men and women of faith. In the great final tribulation, my devotees will be protected and nothing evil will touch them. Be joyful, for your names are already written in Heaven. Go forward without fear. I will always be with you. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,896 – Message of Our Lady, delivered at Sitio Mae Rainha, Nossa Senhora das Dores/SE, delivered on November 3, 2013, transmitted in 11/3/2013
Dear children, do not be afraid. Your victory is in the Lord. Trust in Him who sees what is hidden and who knows you by name. You live in a time worse than the time before the great flood, and the moment has arrived for your return to the God of Salvation and Peace. You belong to the Lord and He loves you. If you knew how much He loves you, you would weep with joy. Give the best of yourself to the mission which the Lord has entrusted to you. He expects much from you. Have trust, faith and hope. Tomorrow will be better for men and women of faith. In the great final tribulation, my devotees will be protected and nothing evil will touch them. Be joyful, for your names are already written in Heaven. Go forward without fear. I will always be with you. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,897 – Message of Our Lady delivered on November 9, 2013, transmitted in 11/5/2013
Dear children, you are moving toward a future of great spiritual trials. The Church of My Jesus will carry a heavy cross. It will be persecuted and the consecrated faithful will carry a heavy cross. Bend your knees in prayer. I am your Sorrowful Mother and I suffer because of what is coming for you. Be alert. I do not want to obligate you, but what I say should be taken seriously. Always be the Lord’s, for only thus will you achieve victory. Courage. Do not hold back. I will plead with my Jesus for you. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,898 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on November 9, 2013, transmitted in 11/9/2013
Dear children, go forward without fear. Tomorrow will be better for men and women of faith. Put your trust in the Lord. When everything seems lost, a great joy will come to you. Separate yourselves from all that keeps you apart from the Lord. You are liable to fall into sin, but seek strength in the Lord and you will be strong against temptations. Confession and the Eucharist: these are the weapons that I recommend to you today for the great war. Have unlimited trust in the Lord, I am your sorrowful Mother and I suffer because of what is coming for you. You are moving toward a future of great spiritual confusion. The smoke of the devil will spread within the Church and there will be great confusion. Love the truth and defend it. Whatever happens, do not stray from the path I have shown you. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you
3,899 – Message of Our Lady, delivered in Rio de Janeiro/RJ, delivered on November 11, 2013, transmitted in 11/11/2013
Dear children, I am your Mother who repeats the same song: convert, convert, convert. Do not live separated from my Son, Jesus. Only He is your All. In Him is your true freedom and salvation. I ask you to be men and women of prayer. Humanity is sick and must be healed. Turn about quickly. Be filled with hope. When everything seems lost, the great victory of God will appear for you. You live in a time of great spiritual confusion. Seek strength in listening to the words of my Jesus and in the Eucharist. Let the grace of the Lord transform you. Be docile. Do not hold back. I came from Heaven to take you to Heaven. I do not want to obligate you, but listen with attention to what I say to you. Love the truth. The darkness of sin will contaminate many of my poor children. Do not forget: God above all. When you are open to Christ, your lives will be transformed and you will be able to witness that you truly belong to my Son Jesus. You are moving toward a sorrowful future, but after the suffering, the Lord will transform the Earth and all will live happily. Courage. I will always walk with you. Go forward without fear. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you
3,900 – Message of Our Lady delivered in Juiz de Fora/MG, delivered on November 12, 2013, transmitted in 11/12/2013
Dear children, I came from Heaven to help you. Open your hearts and I will lead you to the One who is your One True Savior. Do not be discouraged by your difficulties. Trust in Jesus. Call upon Him when you feel the weight of your trials. He is the Good Shepherd who knows you by name. He will bless you and carry you in His arms. My Jesus wishes to fill you with joy. Be docile. Listen to His voice and walk along the road of holiness which I have shown you. You belong to the Lord and He is the only one you should follow and serve. You are in the world, but you do not belong to the world. Separate yourselves from sin and give the best of yourselves to the mission which has been entrusted to you. Do not hold back. My Jesus has prepared for you something that human eyes have never seen and that no man has ever experienced. After all the tribulation, He will dry your tears and you will see the new Heaven and the new Earth. Humanity will find peace with the definitive triumph of my Immaculate Heart. Courage. I will plead with my Jesus for you. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you
3,901 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on November 16, 2013, transmitted in 11/16/2013
Dear children, do not allow the flame of faith within you to be extinguished. My Son Jesus is the Light that illuminates your lives and only by living in His grace will you be able to achieve holiness. Separate yourselves definitively from sin and serve the Lord with faithfulness. You are moving toward a future of great trials. Bend your knees in prayer. You have free will, but it is better to do the will of the Lord. Try to cultivate good feelings. Be brothers to all and learn to love and to forgive. Open your hearts to the Love of the Lord. Humanity is living under great stress and is moving toward a great abysm. Nowadays, intensify your prayers for the Church. Difficult days are coming for the Church of my Jesus. I suffer because of what is coming for you. Pray, pray, pray. I will plead with my Jesus for you. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,902 – Message of Our Lady delivered in Recife/PE, delivered on November 19, 2013, transmitted in 11/19/2013
Dear children, I am your mother and I came from Heaven to offer you my love. I encourage you to assume your true role as Christians. You are in the world, but you belong to the Lord. Do not permit the things of the world to separate you from the Lord. He loves you and awaits you. Give the best of yourselves to the mission which the Lord has entrusted to you. I do not want to obligate you, but I ask that you do the will of God in all things. Do not permit the flame of faith within you to be extinguished. You live in a time of great spiritual confusion. Pray constantly and everything will end well for you. Have trust, faith and hope. Tomorrow will be better for men and women of prayer. The road to holiness is full of obstacles, but the ones who remain faithful until the end will be called blessed. Have courage. I am your Sorrowful Mother. I know your needs and I will plead with my Jesus for you. When everything seems lost, the Lord will come to you and you will be victorious. You will be persecuted because of your faith. Do not despair. My Jesus is at your side, even though you do not see Him. Be joyful, for your names are already written in Heaven. Go forward. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,903 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on November 21, 2013, transmitted in 11/21/2013
Dear children, now is a time of great spiritual confusion. Bend your knees in prayer. Decisions will be made and many will have their faith shaken. Disrespect for the sacred will spread through the world, and many consecrated people will carry a heavy cross. The Church of my Jesus will lose much. That which I have announced to you in the past will come to pass. Be alert. Love the truth and defend it. Do not hold back. Do not permit the devil to separate you from the path which I have shown you. Courage. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you
3,903 – Message of Our Lady delivered on November 23, 2013, transmitted in 11/23/2013
Dear children, let my Son Jesus reign in your innermost hearts. He is your only and true Savior. In Him is your true freedom and salvation. Open your hearts to Him who sees what is hidden and knows you by name. Humanity is moving about in darkness, and the moment has come to open yourselves to the light of God. You are moving toward a future of pain. The Church of my Jesus will drink of the bitter chalice of suffering. Only faith will lead you in safety through the midst of a great tempest. I am your Mother and I suffer because of what is coming for you. Do not be afraid. Whoever is with the Lord will never experience the weight of defeat. I came from Heaven to help you. Have trust, faith and hope. Nothing is lost. The victory will belong to the Lord. Go forward. I will plead with my Jesus for you. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,905 – Message of Our Lady, delivered at Gama/DF, delivered on November 25, 2013, transmitted in 11/25/2013
Dear children, seek my Son Jesus. He does not close the door upon you. Even when you are far from Him, He is watching you and awaiting your sincere and courageous witness. You belong to the Lord. He loves you and forgives you. Only in Him can you find peace. Do not be discouraged. My Jesus is at your side, although you can not see Him. Trust in Him who sees what is hidden and knows each one of you by name. You live in a time of great spiritual confusion. Now is the time which I have announced to you in the past. Courage. I am your Mother and I came from Heaven to help you. Do not remain stationary. What you have to do, do not put off until tomorrow. Open your hearts to my call. Dedicate part of your time to prayer. Difficult times are coming and only those who belong to the Lord will be able to withstand the weight of the trials. Don’t hold back. I ask you to keep alight the flame of your faith. Do not be judgmental. God is the Supreme Judge. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you
3,906 – Message of Our Lady, delivered at Gama/DF, delivered November 26, 2013, transmitted in 11/26/2013
Dear children, I love you. I ask you to be faithful to Jesus. Do not allow your doubts and uncertainties to separate you from the path to conversion. God is calling you. Do not hold back. Be docile to my appeals. I do not want to obligate you, but what I say must be taken seriously. Mankind has become distant from the Creator and my poor children walk around like blind people leading other blind people. Let the Light of God illuminate your existence. You are the Lord’s and He is the only one you should follow and serve. Do not allow the things of the world to enslave you. I am your Mother and I know what is coming for you. Bend your knees in prayer. The smoke of the Devil will enter into the House of God and many will become spiritually blind. Love the truth and defend it. Now is the opportune e time for your courageous public witness. Do not be afraid. Whoever is with the Lord will never be defeated. Go forward. When everything seems lost, there a great victory will come for the elect of the Lord. Be filled with hope. I will always be with you. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,907 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on November 30, 2013, transmitted in 11/30/2013
Dear children, I am your Mother and I came from Heaven to lead you to the One who is your Way, Truth and Life. Be docile to my call. Separate yourselves from the things of the world and serve the Lord with faithfulness. You have free will, but it is best to do the will of God. Mankind has become contaminated with sin and is going toward a great abyss. Repent. Repentance is the first step on the path to conversion. You are going toward a future of great tribulation, but be filled with hope. After all the pain, victory will come. I know each one of you by name and I know what your needs are. Open your hearts and be guided by the Lord. Seek holiness. Walk towards my Son Jesus. There is no victory without the cross. Be brothers to everyone. You are in the world but you are not of the world. Love the truth and defend it and go forward without fear. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you
3,908 – Message of Our Lady, delivered in Belo Horizonte/MG, delivered on December 2, 2013, transmitted in 12/2/2013
Dear children, I am your Sorrowful Mother. I suffer because of what is coming for you. Bend your knees in prayer. You are going toward a future of great tribulation. In the House of God there will be disorder and division. The smoke of the devil will enter it, and many will become spiritually blind. Call upon Jesus. Your victory is in the hands of my Son. He will take care of you and will not leave you alone. Do not permit the flame of faith to be extinguished within you. Be courageous. Witness with your very life that you belong to God. When everything seems lost, a great victory will appear for the elect of God. Go forward without fear. I will plead with my Jesus for you. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,909 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on December 3, 2013, transmitted in 12/3/2013
Dear children, now is the opportune time for your courageous public witness. Do now stand about with your arms crossed. Do not remain silent. Announce the truth to everyone. Many of my poor children are walking about as blind people because those chosen to defend the truth have retreated. Mankind is on the track of destruction that men have prepared with their own hands. Convert. Bend your knees in prayer. The wolves disguised as lambs are advancing. The action of evil doers will cause great spiritual damage and few will remain firm in the faith. I suffer because of what is coming for you. Pray, pray, pray. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,910 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on December 7, 2013, transmitted in 12/7/2013
Dear children, I love you. Calm your hearts and wait on the Lord, for He is your victory. Do not be discouraged. When you feel the weight of the cross, call upon Jesus. Do not allow the flame of your faith to be extinguished within you. Be joyful. I came from Heave to bring you joy and peace. I know your needs and I will plead with my Jesus for you. Have trust, faith and hope. Tomorrow will be better for all of you. Give me your hands and I will lead you to the One who is your All. Do not separate yourselves from prayer. Your victory is in the strength of prayer. I want to see you happy now here on Earth and later with me in Heaven. You belong to the Lord. You are in the world, but you are not of the world. Mankind will drink of the bitter chalice of pain, but after all the tribulation, the Lord will dry your tears. Peace will reign upon the Earth and all will see the wonders of the Lord. Courage. Continue helping me. I need you. Take my appeals to the world. I do not promise you glory in this world, but in Heaven you will have great rewards. Go forward. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,911 – Message of Our Lady, delivered in São Paulo/SP, delivered on December 10, 2013, transmitted in 12/10/2013
Dear children, I love you as you are. I know each one of you by name and I came from Heaven to help you. Be meek and humble of heart. Open your hearts and accept the will of God for your lives. God is in a hurry. Do not put off until tomorrow what you have to do. You live in a time of great tribulation. Bend your knees in prayer. When you feel the weight of trials, call upon Jesus. Seek strength in the Eucharist and in the Words of my Son Jesus. Embrace holiness. The road to holiness is full of obstacles, but those who remain faithful to the end will be saved. Be filled with hope. Nothing is lost. Trust in the Lord. Humanity has become spiritually poor because men have become separated from the truth and give more value to the creature than to the Creator. Be guided by Jesus. You are in the world but you are not of the world. The Church of my Son Jesus will carry a heavy cross. After the tears, victory will come. Courage. Whoever walks with the Lord will never experience the weight of defeat. Go forward. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,912 – Message of Our Lady, delivered in Nova Luzitânia/SP, delivered on December 11, 2013, transmitted in 12/11/2013
Dear children, God is with you. Seek strength in sincere prayer and give witness that you belong to the Lord. Open your hearts to my Son Jesus. He is your All and in Him is your full joy. I am your Mother and I came from Heaven to call you to conversion. Do not stand about with your arms crossed. Give the best of yourselves to the mission which the Lord has entrusted to you. I need your yes. Separate yourselves from the world and live looking toward Paradise, for which alone you were created. Mankind is spiritually blind. Return to Jesus. Love the truth and defend it. Do not permit the darkness of the devil to invade your lives. You are the Lord’s, and it is He alone you should follow and serve. Bend your knees in prayer for the Church of my Jesus. You are moving toward a sorrowful future. Whatever happens, do not allow the flame of faith to be extinguished within you. Courage. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you
3,914 – Message of Our Lady, delivered in Anapolis/GO, delivered on December 16, 2013, transmitted in 12/16/2013
Dear children, pass through the deepest waters. God is with you. He will do everything for your spiritual well-being. Let Him guide you. Be docile. Listen to His voice and He will speak to you and show you His will. I am your Mother and I came from Heaven to take you to Heaven. Now is the opportune time for your return. Do not stand about with your arms crossed. Do not put off until tomorrow what you have to do. You are in the world, but you belong to the Lord. Bend your knees in prayer. Only through the strength of prayer will you find peace. You are going toward a future of great tribulation. Humanity will drink of the bitter chalice of suffering. There will be a great crisis of faith and few will remain in the truth. I suffer because of what is coming for you. Do not hold back. Remain firm upon the path I have shown you. After all the tribulation, the Lord will give you the grace of victory. Courage. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you
3,915 – Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, delivered at Gameleira/GO, delivered on December 17, 2013, transmitted in 12/17/2013
Dear children, I know each one of you by name and I know that you are necessary. Be filled with hope. Stay with Jesus. He is your only and true Savior. Only in Him is your true freedom. I ask you to keep alight the flame of your faith. You live in a time worse than the time before the great flood, and now is the time for your return to the Lord. Do not remain stationary in sin. God is in a hurry. Show by your example and by your words that you belong to the Lord. You are in the world but you are not of the world. Be meek and humble of heart. Let the grace of my Jesus transform your lives. Say no to sin and serve the Lord with joy. Accept the Gospel of my Jesus and witness to your faith everywhere. I am your Mother and I want to see you happy now here on Earth and later with me in Heaven. Open your hearts. Difficult times are coming for men and women of faith. Seek strength in prayer and in the Eucharist. After all the tribulation that humanity will experience, the Lord will dry your tears and peace will reign upon the Earth. Courage. My Jesus walks with you. He will never abandon you. Be alert and listen to me. Do not forget: There is no victory without the cross. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,916 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on December 21, 2013, transmitted in 12/21/2013
Dear children, I am your Mother. I ask you to be men and women of prayer. Do not separate yourselves from the truth. Mankind has been contaminated by sin and the moment has arrived for your return to the Lord. Say your yes to His call, and in everything imitate my Son Jesus. You are important for the fulfillment of my plans. Do not stand about with your arms crossed. God is in a hurry. Be docile to my call. Open your hearts and accept the will of my Lord for your lives. Accept with love my appeals and live the Gospel of my Jesus. Now is a time of pain for humanity. Pray. Only through the power of prayer can you find the strength to withstand the weight of the trials that are coming. Pray for the Church. Tears and lamentations will be seen in the house of God. Seek strength in the Eucharist. In your hands, hold the sacred scripture and the holy rosary. Go forward without fear. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,917 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on December 24, 2013, transmitted in 12/24/2013
Dear children, open your hearts to Jesus and turn over your very existence to Him. Let the grace which emanates from the Merciful Heart of Jesus transform your lives. Be docile. Free yourselves truly from all spiritual blindness. Mankind rejects my Jesus because men have separated themselves from the truth. Seek Jesus. He loves you and awaits you with open arms. Clouds will cover all the Earth, but the light of God will illuminate you. Accept the Divine Light to become great in faith. Seek Jesus in the Eucharist. Do not separate yourselves from Him. His coming to Earth opened Heaven to you. I came from Heaven to call you to conversion. I came to prepare you. The Just Judge will deal with each one of you according to your works. Those who remain faithful until the end will be called blessed by the Father. Do not allow the flame of faith to be extinguished within you. You still have long years of trials ahead of you, but the great day is coming. My Jesus will give you the grace to live in complete peace. The Earth will be completely transformed and all will live joyfully. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,918 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on December 25, 2013, transmitted in 12/25/2013
Dear children, you live in a time of great tribulation. You are going toward a sorrowful future. Difficult days are coming for men. There will be a great crisis of faith, and few will remain in the truth. Return to Jesus. He came to bring you Mercy, but one day He will return as the Just Judge. My Jesus is your great friend, and He expects much of you. Do not stand around with your arms crossed. Give the best of yourselves on behalf of God’s plans. I am your Mother and I came from Heaven to lead you to my Jesus. Only in Him is your true freedom and salvation. Take care of your spiritual life. Do not allow the things of the world to separate you from my Jesus. Open your hearts to the love of Jesus. When everything seems lost, you will experience a great victory of God. Courage. I am with you. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,919 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on December 28, 2013, transmitted in 12/28/2013
Dear children, mankind will find peace in the Love of the Lord. Days of joy will come for men and women of faith. The Lord has prepared for His own something that human eyes have never seen. Be filled with the love of God. Love is stronger than death and more powerful than sin. Return to my Son Jesus. He is your All and only in Him will you find your salvation. Convert, for many things depend upon your conversion. I know each one of you by name and I will plead with my Jesus for you. Be happy, for your names are already written in Heaven. Pray. Do not separate yourselves from prayer. If you should happen to fall, call upon Jesus. Seek him in the sacrament of confession and in the Eucharist. Your victory is in Jesus. Trust in Him and all will end well for you. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.
3,920 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on December 31, 2013, transmitted in 12/31/2013
Dear children, I invite you to discover the treasures of God that are within you. Look into yourself. You are the precious vessel of the Lord and He lives within you. Be led by His hands and you will be great in the faith. By your examples and your words, show everyone that you belong to the Lord and that the things of the world are not for you. Let your spirituality drink at the fountain of Christ. He is the Master of masters, Shepherd of your soul, and your great friend. Trust in Him. When you do not trust completely in Jesus, you become spiritually blind. Separate yourselves with all haste from that which separates you from the Creator. Now is the opportune time for your return. I came from Heaven to call you to conversion. Give the best of yourselves to the mission which the Lord has entrusted to you. Keep walking toward holiness. The way will be full of obstacles, but Jesus will walk with you. Let the grace of the Lord transform you. Be docile. You are going toward a painful future, but after all the tribulation the Lord will give you the victory through the definitive Triumph of my Immaculate Heart. Courage. Do not hold back. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.