Dear children, This is the message I transmit today in the name of The Lord; I am the Mother of God, The Son and your merciful Mother. Listen with confidence to the appeals of my Son Jesus, Who dwells in all who believe in Him. Be confident and make an always greater effort because the appeals from heaven are truly serious. Receive with love all the appeals I have sent to you in these recent times. Be small, pure and docil, for Christ is counting on you. He loves you and hopes for your return and colaboration. Even though you feel distant, He is not far from you. Rather, He presses you to His heart, so you feel His affection and establish a dialogue between Father and son. You will discover the presence of My Son in your midst as you live in harmony, justice and the peace of God.They will see Christ in you if you practice charity and meekness, especially with the most needy. My Son needs your witness and your love, so the message of the Gospel may grow roots and be spread to every corner of the world. I come to open your eyes to the bottomless riches of life that God gives to you. If you encounter His Word and follow it, if you discover the greatness of the love He has for all men, then you will have to understand that living your life is worth the trouble. So don´t despair. Have confidence in the Loving Mercy of The Lord. You, my dear children, come here full of joy and confidence, setting aside the plots of the world, to truly encounter Jesus, the Way, Truth, and Life, to which He invites all of you to follow Him with love. My Son calls you not only to walk with Him in this trip of life. He sends you in His place to be His witnesses in the world, concretely, before others like you, in search of the way, the truth, and life, but don´t know where to go. So your time has come, dear children, and you cannot fail this urgent call. You are not alone on the way. I am with you. I will walk with you, will be you companion on the way, and with my help, you will be able to follow the vocation offered to you by My Son. Rejoice, because heaven is with you.
Don´t lose hope. Fear not. My Son well knows what is within you. He only knows. Open your heart to Him. Let Him speak to your heart, for only He has the Word of eternal life. My Son is the divine sun that enlightens all who live on earth. So don´t be sad, He knows perfectly well what you need. Jesus is with you, dear children. He established His dwelling among you, walks at your side, with love. Believe in the message of salvation. Take refuge in My Immaculate Heart. Here you are safe from whatever danger. Be confident and pray always. Always remember that you never walk alone. My Son is your constant companion, will never abandon you, is always close. In a special way He is near you in the sacraments. He made you sons of God in baptism and strengthened you to be His witnesses by confirmation. In the Eucharist My Son comes to you as food for your souls. He is the Lamb of God, Who takes away your sins in the sacrament of penance. In matrimony He grants you the graces necessary to remain faithful to His love which He promised you at the altar and to educate your children as sons of The Father. In the sacrament of orders, He confirms deacons and priests in their special vocation, and gives them the necessary graces to be His ambassadors and ministers to the people of God. In the anointing of the sick, He cancels their sins and brings relief and strength to the sick and dying, giving them confidence in the mercy of God. You can be sure, dear children, that Jesus is near you. When you need Him, He comes to you, picks you up, and carries you on His shoulders, because He is the Good Shepherd. Don´t be afraid to build your lives on the bedrock, Christ Himself. He will be your joy and your peace. Rejoice, for The Lord is good and His mercy is infinite. Teach one another of the love God has for each one of you. Teach with faith and example. You well know that God does not deceive, but is the sure light that will guide your way. Never trade your liberty as sons of God for a slavery that comes from egoism and sin. I am your Mother and come from heaven to help you. I don´t come to force you. You are free to follow the way you like, but be careful not to travel the wrong path. Know that alone you never will get anything, so for this I am at your side. Hear me. Let Jesus and His message make changes in your lives. He is calling you to make a true journey with Him, a journey of faith, which must redirect all your generosity, enthusiasm and courage. Without doubt, this will be a marvelous adventure. My Son counts on you, counts on your help to free the world of sin and egoism. He is the sure light of a world darkened by the flight from the realities of life and confusion of values. Don´t let your potential be dissipated. Jesus needs everything that you can give. But don´t forget, for My Son, what you have is not important, but rather what you are. Be glad that you can give generously. You are children of God. You are the chosen people of God. He created you to His image and likeness. He chose you and He loves you. My Son is calling you to be saints. He wants you to be saints. He doesn´t only call bishops, priests and religious to be saints. He is calling each one of you, and all together. Seek to travel together, united in Christ in faith, hope, and love. Don´t be afraid to bring Christ to your friends. Be evangelizers. Work with love and dedication for the salvation of souls. I have been with so long and you still don´t understand. Don´t cross your arms, for the love you have for My Son Jesus. Do something for yourselves and for your brothers. I repeat, don´t cross your arms. Seek to help your own selves. God always thought of you and loved you as unique persons. He knows each one of you by name and knows perfectly well what you need. So don´t lose heart. Seek only to live as The Lord desires. To discover the will of The Lord for your life, you need to hear the Word of God, pray, share your questions and discoveries with others, to discern and value the gifts you receive. Prepare the way of the Lord, Who doesn´t stop coming to you as on the holy night, to enrich you with His life and His presence. Let a space always remain in each of your hearts that only He can fill. Help everybody discover more and more, astonished and confident, that God is your good. Know, my dear children, that He loves you much and want to see you always happy. You deserve the best in your lives. Open your hearts to the God of wisdom and mercy, Who offers you the fullness of life already here on earth, and later in Heaven. You will be called to account for all that you have done here on earth. So be careful to keep your faith in Christ firm and secure. Live your faith consistently and with fervor. Don´t let yourself be conquered by all kinds of temptations that try to put out your faith and make you forget your dignity as human beings and christians. Know, my dear children, that Christ is your great and good friend. He will never deceive nor abandon you. He said that He is the way. He is the way with the teachings of His Gospel and the examples of His life. If other ways open in front of you, they can seduce you with prospects of goals as easy as they are ambiguous, but don´t forget; My Son is your only way. He leads you to a full realization of the hopes in the most intimate part of your heart. He said that He is The Truth. In fact, He is the Word of The Father. You want the truth about your own selves and the world, about the mystery of evil and suffering, about life and death. You are offered many unbased truths full of presumptious optimism, or contaminated by the worm of relativism and pessimism. My Son is the absolute truth, by which The Father offers humanity a persuasive response to all the questions that torment it. Humanity can discover in Him the full truth about itself and the world. JESUS SAID THAT HE IS LIFE. Yes, dear children, Jesus is true life. He died and arose from the dead, conquering sin forever. Jesus gives this new life, victorious over death, to those who believe in Him, for this is the will of the Father, that all who see The Son and believe in Him will have Eternal life. Each one of you is called to holiness. God chose exactly you, for love, to be His saints. God is calling you. Even though you have experienced the darkness of serious sin, He is calling you. He, more than anyone, knows there is a great reserve of goodness in each one of you, because He created you to His image and likeness. The Lord knows all your difficulties perfectly well, but also knows your great willingness to behave correctly and to follow Christ, because you know He is the Way, the Truth, and Life. I encourage you, dear children, to not lose confidence in yourselves. Be saints so others may be inspired to sanctity. Follow Christ so others may seek Him. Holiness is your rule of life. Remember this always. Give witness with your life that you belong to Christ. Be reconciled with God. Go to the sacrament of confession which will let you touch with your hand the infinite goodness of God, and the greatness of His mercy.
I come to bring you peace. May this be the right moment for a spiritual check-up, and if necessary, to repair and correct your itinerary. Thus you will have to encounter anew the joy of life and have a greater goodness and spirit of comprehension. You don´t have to be ashamed to witness by your life that you belong to Christ. You say it´s hard to be a Christian. It is a really long voyage. Still, My Son appeals to your freedom. He invites you to believe, to mature, and to bear fruit. e hopes from you a responseHHe hopes from you a response that take over your whole life. Even when you are sad, try to always remember that Jesus is your friend. He calls you His children, shares your anxieties, and shows that He is preoccupied with you. As your friend, He wants you to speak to Him in prayer. He loves you and wants to always be present in your midst, to help you live according to His will. Remain intimately united with Christ. Walk in the footsteps of your saints. You know you never will encounter happiness if you remain closed within yourselves. There is no space for egoism or apathy in your life. The cross speaks a language of giving, and you, my dear children, have much to offer and to give. When you open yourselves to Christ, you will learn what the cross means. On Calvary, My Son gave Himself as a complete and prefect gift and asks you to give yourself in the same way. The way to Calvary is the way that leads you to the center, that leads you to holiness. It is the way that each one of you is called to travel, because the call to holiness is for everybody. No one is excluded from it.
You too, my beloved sons, I want to talk to you about joy and peace that can be found, not in having, but in being and knowing a person and living according to His teaching. This person is Jesus Christ, my beloved sons, Your Lord and Friend. He is the center, the focal point, the only one Who unites you in love. Remember that the kingdom of God needs your generous and total dedication. Make an effort to open up the way of salvation for mankind through Christ and His evangelical message. Proclaim it. It is your to show Christ to those who are seeking Him, and invite them to follow Him. Persons who have not yet encountered The Lord or have lost Him, await a friendly Word from you, a greater incentive. Pray to the Holy Spirit to enlighten you so that with His help, you attain great things. Construct a more beautiful world with your lives. Proclaim Christ to those who still don´t know Him or know Him imperfectly. Work for unity and peace without pausing. You priests and bishops must live as true brothers to better assume your mission to be one with Christ. As disciples of Christ, you are bearers of the message of salvation. Your life, your heart, your services, your prayers are to let the light of the Savior shine in this world. My Son chose you and loves you. He will keep you faithful to the end. His Grace will sustain you in your generous service to your Church. Let the seed of goodness and mercy grow in your lives. Let your goodness and your patience grow in your lives. Let your goodness and patience develop completely. Don´t consider the present problems as the end of hope and death of enthusiasm. Rather, consider all your life as an opportunity through which God speaks to you to make a lasting contribution for the good of your country and your suffering people. Don´t be afraid of effort, sacrifice and discipline. You need them to love Christ with all your heart. Don´t hesitate to spend your energy serving others, especially those in need, and those who live in a situation of extreme misery. The Lord is faithful to His promise. You must be faithful to Him. Go forward together, My beloved Sons, in faith, hope, and love. I come from heaven with love to tell you to open your heart to love. Give yourselves, offer yourselves generously to those who need you. Open the doors of your churches, of your religious houses, to whoever knocks. Teach them with love. Be good as is your Father in Heaven. Be more and more conscious that you represent the responsible link between the merciful God and man and woman searching for truth, justice, and peace. Strengthened by the consecration of your life, know how to confront with courage the restlessness of the world, the selfishness that denies love and adulterates justice, the error that confuses and disturbs souls. You, my beloved sons, are called to be the living image of Christ, because the conscious offer of all that you are, repeats and hides in time the daily miracle of the love of the Son of God, coming to save all mankind and free it from evil.
You know that you have your place in My Immaculate Heart. Open the door of your hearts to Christ. Enter in communion with god through Christ so you can be in communion with every human being. Return to Him Whose name is Love so you can love others, not for simple fleeting qualities, but because they were created to image and likeness of God, because they were redeemed with you by His blood. Live continously in full fidelity to your consecration and you will always be ready for the sacrifice of love. Love cannot stop halfway, as you well know. Love must always be ready to offer itself even with extreme generosity. My son, don´t hesitate to demand perfection in this ardent desire. BE PERFECT AS YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER IS PERFECT. You can be sure of the results of your efforts, for you know The Lord of the harvest is in your midst. It is He Who chose you to be His servants to carry out the task of evengelization. The Gospel is a great spiritual force and you need to know and accept its teachings to be able to spread them. Know that the gospel is your only hope. So don´t cross your arms. Go, announce the gospel, for it is the only means of salvation for humanity. United, tell the world of today that salvation is in Jesus Christ, the only Way, Truth, and Life.
Christ is the Light of Nations. He also is the Light of Brazil. You were chosen to be bearers of this light. You long for a Brazil more just and more fraternal and together you can build it. Be realists; don´t dream of a world without problems. Certainly problems will always arise. But be confident for I will be with you to help you. Peace will come to Brazil. You can be sure of this. But you have to make an effort to make it happen, and pray that everybody who lives here may have courage, faith, and hope. As I already said various times, many things depend on you and your effort, because if you just cross your arms and don´t do anything, things become more and more difficult. May The Lord Jesus, Who knows your thoughts, bless you and your Brazil. He is good and rich in understanding, overflowing with love, desiring to be understood and receive a return for His immense love. The Lord is like that, and you should imitate Him. Pay attention to the shout of the poor, and put into action all your generosity, being converted more and more to God and your neighbor. Help, with love, all those who live in conditions of extreme misery, immense poverty. Give to these poor children what you have in abundance. All of you are members of one and the same human family and live in the same world. You love life and this is already something that glorifies The Lord. To love life is to already be aware of what you receive from God and that you can´t be happy without Him. Christ is in a special manner the Way, Truth, and Life. Be witnesses of Christ in your country. Pray for one another. Pray for the Holy Father. Pray for priestly and religious vocations. Pray for priests. Be always more ardent witnesses to the gospel. Rejoice because you are not alone. I am with you. The Word of God descended from the royal throne in serene silence that envolved all things, and reigns in the intimacy of your hearts. Make your heart totally His. Truly become His witnesses with firm faith and generous love. To you, my dear children, I direct this ardent appeal : make Jesus Christ the base of your lives and the font of your joy. Take this road, and above all, be disposed to continually renew your faith. For each one, faith is the light that shows the outlet of the tunnel of indifference and disbelief. Faith is the force that gives courage and help to persevere. It is the greatest gift of God, which you must accept gratefully and generously live. Rejoice because Christ loves you. Rejoice in your life. Don´t lose hope. Let your life and conduct be credible signs of Christ. I repeat, walk always at His side. Thus you can be sure you are walking securely, for even though the valley seems dark. He is your light, your guide, and your joy.
I want to speak once more to you who are parents. You will encounter many difficulties in raising your children, but don´t lose heart. Confide in My Immaculate Heart. As I cared for My Son Jesus with love, so will I help you take care of your children, educating them as sons of God. Your children are your great treasure. They love you much, even when they find it difficult to express this love. Look for opportunities when you can speak and share with your children on a profound level. Don´t let them become strangers, even while living under the same roof. The years at home pass very quickly. They are precious years. Each moment passed with your children enriches them, and for your part, you will discover that your own lives are enriched in an incomparable manner. As you know, there great moments of joy, but also the sad moments. But everything passes. The important thing is that God remains. And since He remains, you can be sure that His Grace will always be with you to help you raise your children. To you, my children, I want to say; I love you and want to see you always happy, radiating joy and peace for those who live with you. You can be sure that God loves you and is your great friend. The love of God appears in you. You are a gift sent by God. You are a gift for your parents. You are their future. Your parents love you much. Ask them to teach you the things of heaven. Beautiful things that you will like. I hope you grow with a great desire to do only good and seek to turn this world full of love for those who are passing necessity. This is what My Son and I hope for from you.
I desire that the Lord protects you in every moment of your existence. May He be your guiding star, as you seek to be instruments of His peace. God will help you discern His will, so you too can give fruit, and your fruit will remain. I exhort all of you to seek Christ, and follow Him. Grow in the path of peace. Love your enemies and adversaries. Love of neighbor is what marks those who follow, with love, My Son Jesus. Force yourself to offer and contribute that which is expected from you. Don´t stop working for peace. With your lives, be constructors of peace. Also I recommend that you pray for the Pope. Always pray for him. Follow his orientations. He needs your prayers and your faith so he can carry out the great mission entrusted to Him. Obey him. Obey him. Obey him. All his words correspond to the truth, because what he says is the truth of The Father. He is not alone. The Spirit of God is with Him. Obey him in everything! The hour has come when this desert world is to be renovated by the Spirit of The Father. Prepare yourselves to be present at My greatest marvels. Always be confident in the special action of your heavenly Mother. I am your Immaculate Mother. Go with perfect confidence in My Immaculate Heart. Walk with Me. Follow me on the path of prayer. This path should be followed by all of you, for only in this way can you be like Jesus in everything. My task is to turn you like Him in everything. So open your heart to My Heart so I can realize in you all that My Lord desires. At this moment I bless you who are present here, and all who could not come, all. The presence of each one of you here at this moment is reason for great joy for me. Thank you for having come. Thank you for permitting me to reunite you here one more time. I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in peace.

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Our Lady Queen of Peace
Anguera, Bahia, Brazil

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